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Fast Android Emulation — Gideros Forum

Fast Android Emulation

evsevs Member
edited April 2012 in General questions

I have got android x86 installed in a virtual machine to get fast android emulation


Unfortunately Gideros Player and exported Gideros android projects crash (I think because libgideros.so is compiled for arm).

I was wondering if the player and/or export function could be made compatible with this system, as it is so much faster for those of us without an android device. [-O<




  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    @evs unfortunately, building for x86 and maintaining the x86 release is not an easy task. therefore I couldn't add this as a feature. I hope you understand me :\"> :)
  • evsevs Member
    Oh well, it was worth a try!


  • yarlyyarly Member
    Try scouring ebay for a used android device if you need one. You can usually get one that's based on CMDA for 100-200 if it's around a year old or so (like a Nexus S from Sprint). GSM ones keep there value longer though and are probably like 100% more in cost, but only really needed if you need phone services with it. Otherwise, you can just use the CDMA one over wifi.
  • A ZTE Blade (brand new) only cost me £99. It's an armv6 and can easily run 2.2 (I think there's a 2.3 mod floating around the net somewhere). And my Gideros apps all seem to run very smooth on it.

    @Scouser's uses one and he seems happy with his as well.

    Plus having a lower spec device is always a good base to work from.
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