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Font Questions — Gideros Forum

Font Questions

avoavo Member
edited April 2012 in General questions
Trying to figure out some best practices for fonts in Gideros and I have a couple questions:

If I place a TTFont textfield and then scale the player and the scaled position of the text is X.5 or so I get a jagged font, otherwise it stays sharp. I understand this is because Gideros is trying to keep everything in exactly the same place, but since there is no filtering on TTFont it's a bit of a problem. Should I check the converted position and round it to avoid this or is there a better way?

Obviously I could also use the Font Creator to make a font image which I might just do instead but then I have to use filtering to make sure it looks good, and that loses the sharpness of the text.

Besides all this, is one way faster cpu wise to display the text? Neither method seems to use much texture memory.

Thanks :)


  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    edited April 2012
    Hi @avo,

    Let me add TTFont a 3rd parameter to enable/disable the texture filtering. On the other hand, rendering a sharp text is always problematic. I also recommend rounding the position as you've done.

    - Bitmap fonts are fast to display and fast to change.
    - TTFonts are fast(er) to display and slow to change.

    If you change a text at every frame, I don't recommend using of TTFonts.

    Likes: avo

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  • avoavo Member
    thanks atilim that's exactly the info I was looking for :)
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