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scenemanager queries — Gideros Forum

scenemanager queries

petecpetec Member
edited April 2012 in General questions
An app I'm working on has several separate activities that you can choose from a menu screen. I'm using scenemanager to go from a menu screen to the activities and back from the activities to the menu. Each activity has its own 'scene'.

This works well in Gideros player on my computer and also using the player on my tablet (Archos 80 running Android 4.0.3) and switched between activities with little delay. However, when I built an apk and used that on the tablet, I found that it takes a long time to go from the menu to an activity (maybe taking 2 to 3 seconds from touching the button on the menu to opening the activity). I wonder if this is something to do with the way I'm loading files, although when I use the same apk on my phone (Nexus One Android 2.3) it takes less than 1 second to go from menu to activity, so it can't be totally bad!

If I can't beat this lag, is there any way that I can run a simple movieclip animation so that it starts up when the menu button is touched and stops when the new scene has appeared? I tried doing that and it worked fine in Gideros Player, running merrily until the new scene was loaded. However, when I built the apk and used that on the tablet, the animation appeared when I touched a menu button but stopped the moment the scenemanager change scene call was made (I tried a delayed call to the scene change just to check that the animation started and it did).


Edit: I've now found the cause for the lag so it's working much better again. Would still be interested to know if there was any way of showing an animation during screen transitions in scenemanager.


  • drewfgdrewfg Member
    petec, what was your fix for the lag issue?
  • petecpetec Member
    @drewfg, I honestly can't remember what the exact cause of the lag was, but I think it was either loading images for the scene or (more likely in the case of what I was doing) loading sound files. I know that I did change from loading sound files local to the scene and instead made the largest batch of them global and loaded them in main.lua before any scenes get called. I think that was probably what helped with the transitions. Sorry that I can't be more precise.

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