I want to copy a binary file from the resource area to the document area ("|D|"). I thought I'd be able to do it like so:
local function copyFile(destination, source)
local ok = true
local infile = io.open(source, "rb")
ok = ok and (infile ~= nil)
local outfile = io.open(destination, "wb")
ok = ok and (infile ~= nil)
if ok then
local indata = infile:read("*a")
ok = ok and (indata ~= nil)
if ok then
ok = ok and outfile:write(indata)
if infile then io.close(infile) end
if outfile then io.close(outfile) end
return ok
-- Code to see if it worked
local copyWorked = copyFile("|D|out.png", "in.png")
if copyWorked then
end |
When I run this, I get the following error:
|D|out.png: File is not a PNG file. |
Any ideas about what I might be doing wrong? A better way to do this?
I'm running this on the desktop player under wine/linux. If I open the |D|out.png file with gimp, it opens correctly.
Your code seems perfectly ok. When I tested it on Mac, Windows, Linux (wine) and Android, it worked. But my image is Examples/Graphics/Bird Animation/gfx/bird_white_01.png
Also in my test, "diff in.png |D|out.png" shows that these two files are same.
Can you attach your in.png?
I've attached my bad png.
gorkem@gorkem-laptop:/tmp$ file ball.png
ball.png: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01
ball.png; JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01