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Gideros Studio planet

gorkemgorkem Maintainer
edited May 2012 in Relax cafe

I see that many devs started to write about Gideros Studio in their blogs. Do you think it's time to open up Gideros Studio Planet? This way, a "gideros" tagged blog post will immediately appear on (e.g) giderosmobile.com/planet

Just a casual thought, would love to hear your ideas, comments, no's, yes's on this. And who'd be interested in? You'll need an RSS/Atom feed for your blog to be included in this planet btw.


- http://www.linuxplanet.org/blogs/
- http://planet.documentfoundation.org/
- http://www.planet-java.org/
- http://planet.fedoraproject.org/
- http://planet.eclipse.org/planet/


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  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    Sounds like a great idea.
    It probably would be easier to follow one page than many different blogs
    It will show how popular Gideros is becoming/trending
    It will provide back links to authors' blogs

    Is there any bad thing about it? :)
  • Erm.. I'm not sure. I'm not really that familiar with blog mashups but from the ones listed above, they seem to take the posts out of context without much reference back to the original site. Part of the reason for creating our blog is to eventually bring traffic to other areas of our website (when they exist) and I'm not sure that will happen with this format. I'm happy to be persuaded though.

    Also, since it would be entirely optional to partake, there can't really be any reason not to do it (apart from the effort of setting it up on your part).

    Best regards
  • I think that it can't be a bad idea.
    If only the title of the article plus the 100 first words were extracted from the rss feed, that would be enough so readers could make their own decision to read more on the author's website, or skip the article.
    Also, it would be a good idea to take the first image from the post and add it as a thumbnail?
    I believe that it would be a good balance to make readers/authors/Gideros happy.
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  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    @bowerandy yes it all depends on the implementation. Which is why I think @gorkem created this topic. So far @Mells suggestion sounds great.

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  • Yes, I'd be perfectly happy with any arrangement where the full articles weren't included in the digest. I'm certainly keen on anything that can illustrate/encourage the growing developer base of Gideros Studio.

    Best regards
  • gorkemgorkem Maintainer
    Normally it can be configured how many words are shown on the front page (can be full, 100 words, N words etc). I'd say only an excerpt should be shown and for the remaining, user should be directed to the original article.
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