Hi all - I have a client asking me to create a bar code scanning app that would be for trade shows.
They register people at the door, print out a badge with a bar code, and then exhibitors can scan their badge to get their registration ID.
Then, the exhibitor goes online, posts their scanned IDs, and downloads the contact info.
Could this be done with Gideros? How much would someone charge me to create this?
The reason I want to see it done in Gideros is 1) I currently use Corona SDK 2) This would be a good project to see Gideros in action 3) I'm hoping to see it done with Gideros in mostly LUA so I can tweak it 4) I would like to be able to see an add on project first hand.
As far as bar code library - the open source libraries would be the ones I would want to see done as an add on to Gideros. For server side, I can probably do that, but if you could I'd prefer to see it done in .NET as this company is a Microsoft based company.
zxing is the open source library that would be a good one to use.
Budget for this is somewhere around $4000. I would get all source code and rights to the end result (except open source stuff, of course) so I can grant them rights.
I think it might be possible by creating a plugin for Gideros to wrap Camera API, but I'm not kind of guy for this work. But the ones that might do that, would be interested in which platforms do you have in mind? IOS, Android or both?
Well, if there is an internet connection in the mobile, than it's easy using Google Chart API, I've previously wrote some classes in PHP and JS, it would be easy to port them to Gideros.
But I does not really understand the concept behind it. Reader would make sense, but generator? :-/
@atilim, I'd be interested in talking to you about the ways & means of integrating our Obj-C AR recognition code as a Gideros plugin in the months ahead. I've been really enjoying the toolchain of Gideros/Xcode compared to Corona, which I've used on & off for the last 2 years. It's been fantastic to add my own Obj-C customizations straight into Xcode after waiting 18+ months for Ansca to deliver.
- Ian
Likes: phongtt, gorkem
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
And is Google Chart API a sufficient solution?
The customers registered at a trade show, and the bar code (qr code) is generated and printed on their badge. Users that have pre-registered just pick up their badge with the bar code on it.
There is no internet connection guaranteed. Some of the trade shows have little to know cell signal.
Actually, the official repository for both iOS & Android (also Actionscript) can be found here.
Website: http://www.castlegateinteractive.com
Did the barcode mobile app get done? I suspect not and here's my thoughts.
I realised bar and qr code reading and generating is not the main use case for Gideros apps and I'm pleased with that. I used it in the past for quick demos. Now I'm writing a cross platform app and Gideros is still my choice.
But I knew from this thread that QR code reading was a challenge.
So I went to look at another language. I picked Kivy, a python framework.
A nightmare. Python digs down into the unix internals to get to the camera, and notifications are worse. The problem, I see, is that any design has assumed it works on legacy components. If I want to use a QRCode encoder/decoder I have to go and research python modules all over the place. Actually the most I found were in crypto-wallets.
And these QRCode modules are slow, one package has even resorted to benchmarking in the app to sort out the best combination of hardware and drivers.
So, I've put my python investigations to one side and come back to sort this out in Lua and Gideros. Years ago (20?) I wrote code to generate barcodes for publishing, but that generated postscript. I think I modified it to use SVG, which is just XML encoded postscript. I'll start again, because it's always simpler than digging through piles of accumulated project folders.
Why the interest in QRCodes? I'm getting sidetracked; my app doesn't need it. But I think the world needs it right now. For simple track and trace of covid vaccination passports. Here's the scenario:
A large (>10k people) hospitality/entertainment venue in the UK, to comply with the latest (10th. December 2021) Covid restrictions must check people wanting to attend have a valid vaccination passport.
But this is only backup plan B. Plan C is that vaccination pass checks will have to be carried out for people attending a venue of any size. And plan C will happen soon because of the Omicron variant.
However stewards at venues are not capturing the covid vaccination passport data. They are just looking at the screen of people's phone. What happens if there is an infection that is passed on to people in the venue? How is that tracked?
I see the need for a really simple covid tracker app. It reads the QRCode and stores the data, the date and time. That's it.
The dreadful track and trace service in the UK needs replacing. That's a simple problem to solve if there's accurate and timely venue data. So collecting the data is the first step.
What do people think? I'll spend a few days tinkering with this now.
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