This is my new game know that it doesn't really great, but i'm trying to grow as developer from app to app.
If you'll tell me your feedback, it will be great. Negative highly appreciated.
Thanks much.
1-Fps is really good and the game runs smoothly.
2-The idea of the game i also like it.
-There can be some scenario like campaign and there can be medals to earn. So the player will not get bored so easily and try to get them.
-There can be nations. the player will select which nation to race with. Think like this you will encourage people when you add nations. A Turkish player will be honored when he/she will see his own flag in the game. Or American or England etc..Even in the end if the player wins the scenario you can play their national anthems and show their flag raised to the up.
3-Opening music is good.
-The music will be only in the main menu.
-While racing the music should stop totally and there should be sound of crowd. The crowd sound should have to increase when i press run faster. So it will motivate the player to press faster and break his/her touch screen :-))
4-Art Work is not suitable with each other. the crowd in the background like from olden times but our main character is megamen:D Their color palette is not suited with each other. And the buttons color palette also.
5-When the race is finished it is showing my score or if i failed it is showing it. After it i can only press back in my android device and return to main screen. There should be some buttons like retry?, main screen? share score on Facebook?
As a conclusion i really like the idea and i believe that you have the potential to make it much better. I will continue to play from time to time and if something will come to my mind i will share from here.
Again my congratulations.
Likes: gorkem, ar2rsawseen, hgvyas123
5 days before olympic:)
Likes: hgvyas123
Maybe better when finish the game you propose the restart option.
Move all button in other position, because when I click on run button I don't see the protagonist.
And maybe to combine the run +jump button, I don't jump if I press the run button.
And the last the count number and the word FOUL are not centered in the stage.
The rest work well and fluently
Likes: hgvyas123
But want to share with you some videos of my applications. Can't share apk, sorry. It doesn't distributed in any marketplace.
like "15" game
1. Did you make the artworks yourself? The quality is very nice.
2. Also, where did you buy the sounds? (voice, coin sounds, piano, etc...).
-> I believe it could have some success if it was released, especially in the non-us app stores.
All stuff were given by customer who ordered these apps. I'm just making it with Gideros.
Published as free&paid because still no in-app-payment for google play here.
Trying to pay Apple for registration, but it looks like Apple is from early 90th. Only fax 0_0 that they check once per week...
BTW if anyone knows any other game or app that is not added there. Please notify me
1. If coin.mp3 is a simple sound effect (not a background music), convert it to .wav.
2. Load it (e.g. coin ="mus/coin.mp3")) only once at the beginning of your game and play when needed (e.g. coin:play()).
First text-based game on gideros.
@atilim Oh, thanks. I haven't get it ever. I'll try to use your suggestions, thanks.
"We found the following issues with the user interface of your app:
- Does not use expected iOS gestures.
- Included low resolution/jagged image/s; see screenshots for example.
- Screens were crowded and/or laid out in a way that made it difficult to complete tasks; see screenshots for example.
- Did not integrate with iOS features.
These examples identify types of issues discovered in your app but may not represent all such issues. It would be appropriate to thoroughly evaluate your app to address these types of issues."
Can anybody explain what does they mean about iOS gestures and iOs features?
I understand about low res images. Screens crowded looks weird for me:)
Thats all I got for now. But yes, you should ask to elaborate more on those points.
"Communication Closed
If you have questions or concerns regarding this app version, contact App Review."
I send them question via contact form, but it will take about ten days and as much as i know they will just duplicate previous answer.
There isn't autorotation, yep.
scaling and exiting/resuming works fine.
I wonder why that man has more detailed review, but it looks that same suggestions fit for my application too.
"swipe when return to the Main page" - what does it mean? I have to make swipe for returning to main menu from every page? Why? Does anybody see any application with this feature?
"would be appropriate to use native iOS buttons and iOS features to enhance the user experience." - iOs buttons in game? Why can't i use customized buttons?
This game is Rebuses(but on russian).
I'm near 100 000 downloads now.
English version coming soon!
Likes: gorkem, hgvyas123
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at
conrats dude
Positions were updated and i'm on 20th in Games and 51th in Apps now!
For the next game I must localize contents to Russia for sure!
And now 47th in Apps, 17 in Games, 3rd in Brain&Puzzle.
I publish 3 new games. It is simple, but Christmas. It is puzzle, fifteen game and memory.
zhenging means launching the games with GiderosMobile in extremely faster way just as you had launched 3 games
Likes: thanhquan1512
Likes: hgvyas123