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Accelerometer doesn't work on android 4.1? — Gideros Forum

Accelerometer doesn't work on android 4.1?

pogapoga Member
edited July 2012 in Bugs and issues

Anyone tried to run their gideros project on android 4.1?
It seems like I can't get the value of accelerometer on android 4.1.
returns true, But in this line:
local x, y, z = accelerometer:getAcceleration()
x, y and z are always 0. :(
I tried to set my gideros player to use android 4.1, it still doesn't work.
Everything is fine on iOS and android 4.0

Any idea?


  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    Did you call accelerometer:start()?
  • pogapoga Member
    yes i did.

    I can reproduce it with only these 4 lines:
    require "accelerometer"
    local x, y, z = accelerometer:getAcceleration()
    print(x, y, z)
    --=> 0 0 0
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