I was just walking through the first tutorial:
http://www.giderosmobile.com/documentation/getting_started.htmland at the point where you run the Gideros Player, I get this:
and that's all. Seems like something's missing. The start and stop icons remain greyed out, so I can't go any further. Anything I can do? It seems like it can't connect, but I've disabled my firewall and it hasn't helped.
Running Windows XP, for the record.
Can you download TCPView here http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897437 and look if there is another program that uses port 15000?
Previously, I had restarted Gelderos Player several times but not the studio, so I suspect that's what made the difference rather than Opera. Guess I wasn't as thorough as I should have been. You folks are speedy though, thanks.
TCPView is a Windows program and won't work on Mac.
My temp solution is to uninstall Gideros and maybe try another time. Back to my current IDE but also tried other environments without such issues.
Still you can use Gideros without the player, by exporting the code and running it using xcode/eclipse.
I'd suggest you try it again - game development is a hard and lengthy process and Gideros Studio can cut this time a lot. Other environments do not have this wonderful ability, this is why you didnt bump into this issue.
Believe me, its worth trying out.
Also Gideros has the quickest and most flawless implementation. Testing a new version of your code within 1-5 seconds is fast.