A lot of times during testing.
I think there's something wrong with box2d. I tried to make one-sided platform by switching off/on the fixture's sensor, and somehow it crashed.
Now, if gideros player crashed, will it be ok on device? I exported it and tried it few times with my phone (installed apk)
No crash. All good/not?
But, in my case, I don't get "assertion failed" error dialog. I just get message that the world is locked. Maybe your case is different, but hope it help..
It's just kind of weird that it sometimes happen, most of the time not.
@zaniar I'll try that, thanks
I think you can't change fixture to sensor or not. You can only remove fixture and add a new one. But maybe I'm wrong.
Edited: ok I'm wrong you can do that, but I think internally it is done similar to what I said so it is changing the world
I see...
But can somebody really confirm this? What you can/can't do during collision events?
Because when I changed the sensor 9 out of 10 it was ok, but just sometime it crashed.
I fixed the code and now I never see the crash. (I still change the sensor)
Nice, so what was the problem?