Hello all,
here is a little tutorial on creating Android plugins for Gideros using new extended plugin system.
Provided with plugin template for Android make file, plugin C++ code and Java class.
http://appcodingeasy.com/Gideros-Mobile/Creating-plugins-for-Android-in-GiderosNow go and make those plugins you always wanted, just don't forget to share them
@alexzheng if you have problems, PM me I'll email you files and details.
Thanks, I can access it in my workplace.
But you could also create plugins in plain C or C++ as TNT Collision engine, that does something inside their own environment and has nothing to do with platform specifics. And this C or C++ code can be compiled as both Android and IOS plugins (additionally also as Desktop plugins).
So basically:
Java + C = to wrap something from Android SDK
Objective-C + C = to wrap something from IOS SDK
plain C to usually perform some huge calculations and can work on both platforms.
I am following your example with my own simple library, but, i still get errors when building .so :
error: undefined reference to 'luaL_register'
error: undefined reference to 'lua_getfield'
error: undefined reference to 'lua_pushcclosure'
and so on as if i haven't included the lua/luasocket library.
have been trying for hours and I still don't have any clue, please help me. any clue ?
for latest version, you need to link couple more binaries, not only libgideros.so
including zlib also depends on the version, I think the latest one did not need to include it separately
there is no
# Lua
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ../../libs/$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)/liblua.so
In my Android.mk, no wonder it always miss reference to lua function, I am stupid didn't realize it earlier
thanks Artur !
note: it will be nice if you update your tutorial to the latest version, because it helps so much especially for beginner like me