Thanks to some input from the community here, I was able to interact with the Scoreoid api using the Gideros urlLoader class.
Scoreoid is a back end web service that provides online leaderboards, acheivement, cloud storage, and other features. It is very similar to what Game Minion provieds, or Game Center minus the GUI.
With the project I've attached, you should be able to create a player, retrieve a player, as well as submit and retrieve scores. It's my hope that at the very least this serves as a good example on how to use RESTful services for any n00bs out there. Warning: I don't know what I'm doing, so you may want to rewrite or revise parts of this implementation

I wrote a little helper class based on your example and has built the statistics in my game. It works!
Likes: unlying, arcadia, thanhquan1512, albert988
Likes: duke2017
Hi have a problem with your code.
GetPlayer and GetBestScores seems to work only if the call is placed in main.lua
if I call these functions inside a class they don't call any callback events
Don't work only in the Androin Player on a real device! But work on the PC! Solutions
I looked at the example I provided, but I'm not sure why they wouldn't be working. Do any of the functions work? Could you provide an example of the code you are using?
The only other thing I would check is to make sure you have players and score to retrieve. I'm assuming you made a Scoreoid account, registered a game, players, and fake scores to test with?
Not sure if you've found the information you were looking for yet, but yes, Scoreoid does appear to support achievements. I haven't played with that feature of the service though.
New score too.
But i can call getBestScores and getPlayer only in main.lua. if i place the call in other place i have no error but simply the callbacks completed progress or error are not called
I don 't have my code with me now, but i just open the leaderboard with sceneManager and in the init I call the scoreoid functions Solutions
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I'm not LUA expert but calling the function getBestScores from a different point of main.lua callbacks were never called unless you put a sleep in the code.
In the end I finally solved making Loader public and not local Solutions