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App still crashing after second upload to App store — Gideros Forum

App still crashing after second upload to App store

Tom2012Tom2012 Guru
edited November 2012 in General questions
Narrowed it down to this part of the code, which loads the save file...
local function fileExists(fileName)
	local file = io.open(fileName)
	if file ~= nil then
	return file == nil
if(fileExists("|D|saveTable")) then
print("|D|saveTable exists");
print("|D|saveTable DOES NOT exists");


  • Tom2012Tom2012 Guru
    edited November 2012
    Edit - I have fixed it with this:
    local file = io.open("|D|saveGame.json", "r" )
    	if file then
    		io.close( file )
    ... your code here
    BTW if anyone is having problems with saving / loading - it really helps to get a tool called iExplorer, which lets you browse the save files and view them on your device.
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