Hi Guys just a fast update to add some new features (requested by users)
This is new v.1.15 Release log:
+ IMPROVED function CTNTAnimator:setVisible(isVisible) isVisible default = true (so if you call setVisible() now is true by default.)
+ Added function CTNTAnimator:getCurrentFrame() - return current frame animation number. (Asked by tom2012)
+ Added function CTNTAnimator:pauseAnimation() -- pause current animation (Asked by tom2012) and release event "ANIM_PAUSED" (see example 4)
+ Added function CTNTAnimator:unPauseAnimation() -- unpause current animation (Asked by tom2012) and release event "ANIM_UNPAUSED" (see example 4)
hope you like.
TNT ENGiNE for Gideors Studio - Particle Engine, Virtual Pad, Animator Studio, Collision Engine - DOWNLOAD NOW !!! IT'S FREE!!! -
Much respect to you!
i'm very very busy at work this days...
This is a bug or a feature? I can not start a new animation from an event handler "ANIM_STOP"