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What could be causing this assertion error? — Gideros Forum

What could be causing this assertion error?

AxlFlameAxlFlame Member
edited March 2013 in Bugs and issues
Hey, guys!

So... I stumbled upon an odd error. I use scene manager and I my minigames inside my game are scenes. The problem is, when I try to create a "restart", which would mean a scene change to the same scene. But when I try that it gives me this critical error:

"Assertion Failed!
Program: C:\Program Files (x86)\Gideros\GiderosPlayer.exe
Line: 127

Expression: m_nodes[proxyId].IsLeaf()"

I did some research and found nothing about it... I mean, I know it's related to the usage of box2D in my minigame, but what could this error mean?


  • ScouserScouser Guru
    edited March 2013
    It could be related to the way you are restarting/changing the scene.

    I have just looked at that line in the box2d source and it appears box2d is trying to destroy something that doesn't exist.

    I would suspect that your scene has a
    require "box2d"
    which may be causing the problem (although I'm not 100% sure). If this is the case then maybe you should move the require to your init.lua and keep a global reference to it.

    As I said, I'm not 100% sure this is the case (or for that matter how box2d would respond to multiple calls to require but I do suspect this has something to do with your problem).

    Maybe @atilim might be able to shed a little more light on the subject.

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  • AxlFlameAxlFlame Member
    edited March 2013
    I do have that line right on the beginning of the code. I tried doing what you suggested, although I'm not sure I understood it all...

    When you say init.lua, that means my main class, right? I ask cause I don't have any init.lua, only a main.lua.
    How can I keep a global reference to it? It's something like this?
    _G.box2d = require "box2d"
    Assuming that's it, it didn't work out... actually when I tried removing the "require" from my minigame, the minigame was working just as before. That mean the issue is not related to that line?
  • You can make a global reference by not putting local or anything in front of it.

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  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    simply require box2d somewhere in the global scope like init.lua or main.lua were any file and any class can access it ;)

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  • @AxlFlame: As discussed here init.lua is the first file executed in your project. It is usually a good place to add your initialisation code & also implement your plugins etc.

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  • Ok, so the issue is not the "require"... I placed it on my main and still got the problem.

    I tried to debug my onExitBegin method because I thought it could be related, as the problem happens when I try to exit my scene and change to the same scene.

    I found out that the Assertion Failed happens right when the method is cycling through the sprites on the scene to destroy them.
    function BonecosDesenho:onExitBegin()
    	for i=self:getNumChildren(),1,-1 do
    		local sprite = self:getChildAt(i)	
    		if sprite.body then
    	if bridge.body then
    		bridge.body = nil;
    		bridge.onEnterFrame = nil;
    	if sceneParent then
    		sceneParent = nil;
    	this.paused = nil;
    	self:removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, self.onEnterFrame, self)
    If I try to print anything beyond that point it doesn't appear at all.
    Is it trying to destroy a body that doesn't exists anymore? If it is, why this problem doesn't happen when I exit my scene to another scene??
    I'm going crazy on this
  • Require will actually make sure a file is not included twice: http://www.lua.org/pil/8.1.html

    Is bridge not a child of your scene already? If it is then aren't you trying to destroy bridge.body twice? That may be related to the problem.

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  • AxlFlameAxlFlame Member
    edited March 2013
    The point with the bridge is that it's a child of gestarea (an area where the player is allowed to draw the bridge), which in turn is a child of my game scene.

    Also, the assertion failed happens before my code gets to the "If bridge.body then" part...

    Btw, thanks for the insight on the "require"!
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