I have been trying to track down an intermittent crash when using the IOS image picker (using BhWax) and a collectgarbage() occurs during an ENTER_FRAME handler. I suspect the issue is some sort of thread safety issue.
Whilst the problem is intermittent in normal use, I have found that I can force it to fail easily (and almost immediately) by adding an ENTER_FRAME handler that directly calls collectgarbage() while an image picker is on screen. I have a demo program that fails in this way every time.
If you are able to take a look, what would be the best way of getting the test case to you. Basically, I have modified the BhWaxDemo (found here
https://github.com/bowerhaus/BhWax). You just need to comment in the ENTER_FRAME listener in BhWaxDemo.lua. The program also needs
https://github.com/bowerhaus/BhHelpers too.
Bearing in mind that you would have to build a player with wax in it, is there any easier way for me to get the failing demo code to you?
best regards
best regards