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The game is slow — Gideros Forum

The game is slow

a00zaa00za Member
edited May 2013 in Bugs and issues
i developed a game which is about 50MB however it is slow when exported it as .apk file when i run it.
I wanted to know the reason.


  • when you run in a gideros player this happen?
    What android version you compile?
  • a00zaa00za Member
    only on the iOS and the android and both of them are the latest versions.
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    Is the slowness on device, if yes which one?
    If it is on android simulator, then it is normal. You can't get anything run on that thing :)
  • It depends on your mobile device also, my quad-core PC runs my game very smooth with Gideros Player but of course it is slow on my Galaxy Y
  • Is the slowness on device, if yes which one?
    If it is on android simulator, then it is normal. You can't get anything run on that thing :)
    "export it as apk" so I think it is played on mobile device
  • a00zaa00za Member
    edited May 2013
    yes i exported to the iPad and the Galaxy and both of them when i played the game it is slow and crush a lot.
  • CyberienceCyberience Member
    Accepted Answer
    sounds like you may have a memory leak/leaks. try to make more locals and clear objects you dont need. I place
    print ("memory used 1:"..collectgarbage("count"))
    on code that repeats, and I can see if it grows, shrinks or stays the same.
    REAL programmers type copy con filename.exe
  • a00zaa00za Member
    i will try.
    So what i understand is that if the count of the garbage differ from one time to another then there is a need to collect the garbage.
  • Well, basically, Collecting the Garbage allows your system to clean up objects and variables that no longer have references, if a global is defined, or not dereferenced, they will stay in memory, if you have a loop that declares an object over and over, and you have some variables within them defined as self.somthing, then these will not be released. and the memory will grow, or the clean up will clean less.
    its usefull to keep in the code, and always use it to check if things are growing without check.

    Likes: a00za

    REAL programmers type copy con filename.exe
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  • keszeghkeszegh Member
    letting the garbage to be collected should be the right word. it is more important than
    collecting garbage (which is done automatically more or less, although it can be done from time to time). by letting collected i mean that what you don't need anymore should not be a child of something or referenced by something (as cyberience explained), and then it will be released from memory automatically at some point. as i understand making an object not used anymore equal to nil is also useful to release its content.

    Likes: a00za

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