Gideros is great and I am impressed so far with your current solution for developing cross platform.
However I would like to see more updates to show that something is happening in the 'Gideros world'.
I believe you used to have a weekly updates?
Other items.
1. IDE - code highlighting. e.g I like the look of sublime text 2
2. IDE - code formatting
3. or if these take to long. Some sort of command line access to launch the player from a third party editor
Your IDE provides a great benefit to other solutions, if just needs more work.
Last week was extraordinary for us - I was out of work for a few days, and Atilim & Deniz had to spend time for non-technical things. Let me write down what happened last week:
- We've written a part of OpenGL stack, which makes it very easy to write plugins.
- TTF fonts are introduced - now you can easily show any TTF font to the stage. This will be available in the final release.
- We started our book "Ultimate Guide to Gideros Studio" - you can have a draft preview of who's doing what here: http://giderosmobile.com/DevCenter/index.php?title=Ultimate_Guide_to_Gideros_Studio (Still very incomplete, but gives an idea)
- Last week we heard about 3 more new games made with Gideros Studio
We do love Sublime Text editor and we try to implement some of its features. Currently these are on our top priority list:
- Function/class navigation
- On the fly syntax checking
- Debugger