Hi all,
just a quick word to wish you all an amazing week.
I don't know if this forum needs that kind of off topic discussions, but I felt a big rush of motivation and thought that would be great to share it with you.
So what are you going to achieve this week? Whether it's related to apps, or not.
Ok I'll start.
- This week I'm going to reach 60 days of cold shower "therapy", that was a goal of mine (for some reasons) and I have used the Seinfeld productivity method (aka "Don't break the chain") to do it
- I'm going to release an alpha of my next app to testers. This is the first time under my own name and it's a personal achievement knowing that I have been navigating between tons of app projects and never managed to **ship**.
- I'll cross the bar of 13900 pushups since jan 1st 2013
- I'll meet a top entrepreneur that I have been willing to contact for years. The hardest thing was to push the "Send mail" button.
Ok, what about you?
What will you achieve this week?
(I'm curious to see if that kind of discussion interest people and gets some traction, or will stay quiet until I actually kill it
So here we go:
This week we (as Jenots) will finish polishing Magness publisher demo and start sending it out to the publishers
Tomorrow I will submit our song (written by me and my wife) to Eurovision song selection from Latvia, don't expect much, currently even submitting will be an achievement for us
As Gideros I hope to finally finish implementing Ads Interfaces for IOS and hopefully publish Controller plugin, that I've been working on for quite some time
Who's next?
- I will continue porting an RPG Maker VX game to iOS & Android with Gideros. But more importantly i'm waiting for Enterbrain to reply us regarding using the game assets
- I will wait for that Ads Interfaces for iOS :P :P :P
- I will have fun to the fullest, playing Rune Factory
- I will think about life... 8-}
Likes: gorkem
For the week, it is more focused on completing the clients work
For the period, create a couple of plug-ins, Even create an app and publish it (Not comfortable working on that 15" MBP screen after being spoilt with the 27" iMac), work on my adventure game and work out a couple of other apps that I wanted to make, maybe even create an app for the Windows Phone/App store.
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
- Gym Tues/Thur Night
- Cycling Wed night
- Reading the new GIderos book on the train to/from work, then coding at night time.
- Saturday - Morning Gym. Afternoon Christmas shopping. Install my Cadence meter on my bike.
- Sunday - Go to market, got some trees to cut up, usual house/friends maintenance or just finding something to fix. (pick up my Dremel 3000 from being repaired.)
Nothing world changing, just my usual life cycle
Bubble Adventure - Colors
Ultimate Games on Appstore
Ultimate Games on Google Play
13900 pushups since jan 1st 2013 ! (well done)
if you spaced it out, that would be 1.7 per hour ....just a thought
Bubble Adventure - Colors
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
Bubble Adventure - Colors
Likes: Mells
don't worry I do lot of other activities, push up are part of a routine (wake up, before lunch, before dinner and several times during the day so that I don't sit for too long) and I don't even think about it. It's outside of working out.
There is also this game I have : "if I don't finish this task before 4pm, I'll do 20"
"If I don't finish this app TODAY, I'll do 30 more before dinner!"-> that's how you get quickly to 13900 haha
@thanhquan1512 "sometimes we think it's finished..." -> so true
I enjoy reading about your lists/routines, that's interesting.
And you actually should make an app for that
Likes: hgvyas123
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
Likes: vitalitymobile, hgvyas123
Btw, my first thing to achieve is screwed up. Enterbrain said that their assets isn't allowed to be used for porting. Well... b-(
About the video, I might be missing something and don't want to sound insensitive, but am I the only one, who thinks that in his case, it was irrational and even dumb to continue?
As I was somewhat related to sport previous and now having an injury haunting me for the rest of my life, I know how post injury traumas (when ignoring your primary injury) lead to much worse cases than the primary injury itself. Without knowing what is wrong, and continuing he could only traumatized himself, in better case saying goodbye to his carrier and in worst case, losing his leg to a complete dysfunction.
Unfortunately, not inspiring
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
However, I think that more people are hurt because of their inaction, their inability to get out of their comfort zone, to actually hurt themselves, compared to those who actually are in the position where they could face a post injury trauma.
I believe that video sends the message that "it's supposed to be hard" and sometimes you have to get started, be persistent in your effort, and you'll be rewarded (whatever you consider the reward is).
For most it's safer to think "Wow Ok, running hurts. Post injury trauma is a reality. Why would I even want to go through it and start running? I'd rather stay safe in my sofa. Those fried potatoes reward me for my deep thinking".
This thinking to me is irrational.
So in that special case I kind of agree with you, but to most people they are hurting themselves by "staying safe".
When I was younger (not that I'm that old) I have done really dumb things when my mind and my body were telling me to stop, and I'm surprised I haven't faced any major injury or trauma. I know I've been lucky, but I've also learned that preparation can send your brain the message "you can push yourself harder, you're safe".
How many people have pushed themselves so hard that they were injured? Not many in fact. They (we) still have a long way to go.
Most of the time we hurt ourselves by :
- staying safe
- trying hard without preparation
I believe we can face harder tasks than we can even imagine.
Being realistic is unrealistic
ps : the psychological aspect has to be considered too.
Years of preparation for not crossing the line could have become a bigger trauma than what he risked by doing what he did.
You train hard with a very simple goal in mind : crossing the line, running x miles, lifting xxx kilos. You have to do it.
Or you're telling your brain : I'm sorry we've done 90% of the job but I give up now.
You have to train your brain that he gets the efforts = reward in all cases. Fail once, and he gets used to it and doubt the next time you'll ask him to help you.
Maybe this guy was rational by making a logical decision : "I'll risk post jury trauma vs failing so close and whatever that could mean for me in the future".
That's what I think. Maybe I am being too irrational 8-}
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps