I use xcode 5 and the last facebook sdk 3.9
when i execute the code i receive 2 error both in gfacebook-ios.mm:
gfacebook-ios.mm:1:10: 'gfacebook.h' file not found with include; use "quotes" instead
gfacebook-ios.mm:2:10: 'Facebook.h' file not found
I have to install an old version of the sdk like for the Android Plugin?
You need to
Add the backward compatibility headers as described https://developers.facebook.com/docs/howtos/feed-dialog-using-ios-sdk/#step2
but it might be the case, that backwards compatibility is not provided anymore, if thats the case, let me know and we will try to find a proper replacement (older version maybe)
The documentation (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios/upgrading/) say:
The v3.1 Facebook dialog methods required you to include the deprecated Facebook headers. You no longer need to do this:
from: #import "Facebook.h"
to: #import
Additionally, you no longer need to have your class conform to the FBDialogDelegate protocol:
@interface ViewController ()
After making these changes, if you are not referencing any additional deprecated methods, you can now delete the DeprecatedHeaders folder from the Frameworks section of your Project Navigator.
but now i have some other error...the plugin is not compatible with the last facebook sdk?
https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Arcadia Solutions
the Deprecated Header was in:
didn't found it. now it's ok
Likes: HubertRonald
https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Arcadia Solutions
Only I added "Facebook.h" to my plugins folder in Xcode
[-] Liasoft