I'm getting an error on my new game, where on startup sometimes the screen becomes blank and the activity ceases to respond. I have the game integrated with AppFlood, Flurry, and Google Game Services. I suspect of the later, though the error happens very randomly and couldn't even replicate.
When the condition happens, it directly appears a blank (black) screen, while Google Game Services popup appears. Oncle logged or canceled, the Game Activity becomes unresponsive.
The error happens specially often (about 1 out of 4 times) when installing the .apk from an email attachment.
Does anybody have an idea of what could be happening? I'll be glad to send apk, source or whatever in case you need it.
Thanks a lot,
I don't know if thats the case, but there was a bug with Game Services which could cause crashing or ANR on singing in.
To fix it you would need to update Game Service Lib and also download new Gideros Google Play Services plugin.
Also there was a bug in Flury:
BTW, does the LogCat say anything specific?
can you provide a link for a game to try out?
I have last Game Service Lib and also last Gideros Google Play Services plugin.
Same problem without Flurry.
If I remove Google Play Services all works fine.
The error happens specially often (about 1 out of 4 times) when installing the .apk from an email attachment.
iPhone? https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/save-my-toys/id593292899?l=en&ls=1&mt=8
Andoid? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cat.acb.savemytoys
Other way to integrate Crashlytics and get the report
Because for now, I really have no idea what exactly can be causing this.
Do you experience same with other Gideros games?
For example: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jenots.kickyball
Maybe it's phone specific? Try:
Please let me know if it happens with that?
iPhone? https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/save-my-toys/id593292899?l=en&ls=1&mt=8
Andoid? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cat.acb.savemytoys