I want to play video inside my game,before starting the level. So please let me know how can i achieve this.
I have followed
http://giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/1228/video-player-plugin#Item_14 , but not able to download that plugins, because of link has been expired.
I have also tried to follow media plugin , but can't understand how to play video from project.
So please let me know, do i need to use any plugin for the same?, if yes then please let me know.
Note : I want it for ios & android both.
Thank you.
Likes: Sarthak
i am facing some issues,
- It is not running in my mac, i got error which is in screenshot. I have copied whole Media folder inside Application/Gideros Studio/All Plugins, still not working, so please help me.
- My video resolution is 768*1136 with MPEG.4 format. It is running smoothly in tab,but not working in my phone which has resolution 320*480.So i think it could be format problem, so please let me know which is the suitable for all devices, if its not format related problem, then please tell whats wrong.
- Video length is 10 secs, while playing video in my tab, if i touch on the screen, video is automatically completed, i want to disable this thing. I want that user has to finish video,it wont be completed by taping on the screen.
So, Please give some reference about how can i solve all the issues those are listed above.
But it should work on devices (android/ios) try creating a Gideros player with this plugin preinstalled.
About file format, I really don't know, for now all mp4 files I tried seemed to be able to play.
Likes: Sarthak
"if i touch on the screen, video is automatically completed, i want to disable this thing. I want that user has to finish video,it wont be completed by taping on the screen."
is there any way ? (I am using media plugin.)
mediamanager:playVideo(path, force) -- play video file in given path (bool force to watch till the end, or quit playing on tap)
Heads off...
Likes: Sarthak
I have also tried the Xocde project of reference which got with media plugins, in it i am having same issue.
The lua code for playing video is as below:
if application:getDeviceInfo() == "iOS" or application:getDeviceInfo() == "Android" then
--require plugin
require "media"
if application:getDeviceInfo() == "iOS" or application:getDeviceInfo() == "Android" then
mediamanager:addEventListener(Event.VIDEO_COMPLETE, function()
And after that i have exported project from gideros, and then added the contents of plugins folder from Media/ios inside exported project.
"The program can't start because mingwm10.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."
@ar2rsawseen, perhaps the issue is that it still needs to be recompiled?
(i'm using 2014.10 version of gideros, btw, it does not find the dll's in the plugins directory, i need to put them in the root of the gideros installation folder)
can you make an update to the media plugins that works?
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Have you tried to play video inside your game and is it working fine in ios & android devices?
If yes then let me help i am getting error.
I have posted in forum for the both the problems ,links for them
Please help me.
i did not try on android yet, but i just want to import images from camera/gallery, so i don't intend to play videos.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
i have converted .mp4 video into "Universal Android Devcie".