I now uses this version of Gideros, 2015.3
After exporting to xCode with Ads Integrated.
I downloaded the ads plugin here:
https://github.com/gideros/giderosplugins/tree/master/AdsI try following the procedure (IOS Installation) here:
http://docs.giderosmobile.com/interface/adsI realised that the following
/Plugins/Ads/Admob folder
cannot be found.
instead they are found in
/Plugins/Ads/framework/GoogleMobileAds.framework -- Not sure if this is correct
Do I need to move them up a hierarchy?
Or do I build directly?
I faced a problem when building directly.
Under AdsRevMob.h
#import , RevMobAds.h not found
In frameworks directory you may delete files for ad networks that you won't be using, for example if you don't need RevMob, delete it