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Unfinished "shape" class with arcs, polygons, circles, bezier curves, and simple drawing example — Gideros Forum

Unfinished "shape" class with arcs, polygons, circles, bezier curves, and simple drawing example

ndossndoss Guru
edited February 2012 in Code snippets
I've had a little shape class sitting around that I had been using as a way to play with shapes, extend classes, draw shapes, and various other things. It's rough around the edges but I'm probably not going to do anything more with it for a while.

It uses the code posted a while back by @fawzma (link: http://www.giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/461/bezier-curve-code#Item_4) to draw bezier/quadratic curves.

The code can be found at: https://bitbucket.org/ndoss/gideros_playground/src/671f816c2cd4/shapes
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