Hello. I like themes, so I added 3 things to Gideros Studio:
1) UI .qss (QT StyleSheets) themes support.
2) Editor .ini themes support (QScintilla + Lua lexer + C++ lexer).
3) HTML output.
Replace your "GiderosStudio" executable with this one.
"Themes" folder with 2 theme files will be automatically created at launch. Use new menu "Settings" to load theme files. UI themes will be applied instantly. For editor themes if you have opened tabs you need to reopen them. You can copy and edit this themes in your notepad and download new .qss themes from the Net.
You can use strings inside angle brackets as HTML fragments and thoose strings will be shown just like in a browser.
For example:
print 'any html fragment inside angle brackets'
There are must be no whitespace before first and after last angle bracket or it will be treated as plain txt.
[Download Themed Gideros Studio with sources, 03 Mb]
https://yadi.sk/d/RdL-XZnFjEg66Link updated. Again. Now with GiderosStudio. Sorry my inadvertence, was tired.

I like the idea, and wanted to work on something like that for some time.
Your zip seems to only containt GiderosPlayer and I can't find the themes.
BTW, would you care to make a pull request to github? We would review the changes and accept it, so it would be available in next release too.
If you have any questions about pull requests, let me know
That link is updated, now with sources
I included only 2 black themes: one for UI and one for Editor. They are inside executable and in the source files folder "Resources Embedded".
I will try to make that request, but I must say I am very new to all this github stuff:)
First thing to do is to get your own github account, go here and register:
Then go to Gideros repo (https://github.com/gideros/gideros) and fork it by pressing Fork button.
It will copy repo in your github account.
Then with code modifications, the easiest way to get started is using SourceTree
There you just press Clone/New
enter url for your forked repo and select where to put it on your computer.
Then modify files as you need, or copy over already modified files
SourceTree will automatically pick up modified files, select them all and enter commit message and press commit. Then press Push and Ok.
Then go to your forked repo on github and press green rotated arrows button near Branch: master text
It will take you to pull request form, press Create Pull Request, fill in the field and submit pull request.
We will review code changes and accept them
If you feel this long and boring process is not something you want to do, I can make a pull request myself based on your changed files, with your permission, of course.