This is a video of my isometric racing prototype. I have only used sprites as tiles and lua tables to create infinite and random blocks on the road. Isometric tiles from Kenney: are easier: tap to accelerate and do not touch screen to brake.
To create the map I have generated 12 blocks and they are added to scene from top to down and left to right. First 6 blocks do not allow transversal roads.
A big CongoRatz!!
it seems a bit "heavy" on galaxy s2 when speed is high: I don't know if it's due to this known bug on android -
I would try "inverting" the controls to promote adrenaline
I have tested in my Bq Aquaris again with a very previous version (2014.01) and it works smoothly.
What happens with lastest versions that have worse performance?
I go back to previous versions at least for Android.
Are you using a spritesheet? If not that can speed things up. And the @2, @3 feature for crisp bitmaps is a winner.
I suppose I will buy Kenney art to get 128x128 images (or even 256x256) from vectorial ones (9$ all assets):
Invert controls, tap to brake and automatic acceleration could be fine, thanks for your ideas.
Next days will be first version in Google Play.