Hi folks,
@john26 reminded, we have 3D support in gideros since some time now (almost a year), so I wondered if gideros could be up to the task for a first person 3D game.
Here is a quick HTML5 demo of what we can do:
http://hieroglyphe.net/3d/gideros.html (quick scene modeling by
@Athanyse, my sister BTW).
Ok, textures are misplaced, you can cross the walls on so on, but I guess games based on 3D are indeed possible with our favorite SDK!
Sure that will look better soon
Good job hgy29!
Would be much better with WASD and also you can capture mouse movement without click too, using Event.MOUSE_HOVER
Don't know if HTML5 supports it though
Its great to see it actually be 3D in Gideros regardless of the issues though
And the scene doesn't look like the original blender one, my .obj importer is not behaving correctly. I am still working on it.
@ar2rsawseen: the demo was made for phones/tablets first, that's why I didn't handle mouse hover nor WASD. But I can add them!
Likes: antix, pie, NatWobble
Did you tried this? http://giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/5631/load-from-sketchup-3d-obj-export/p1
Looks better already!
objloader.lua:40: bad argument #1 to 'lines' (sketchUpFile/C:/Users/Cliff/Documents/CIRCLE.mtl: Invalid argument)
It seems to be having some issue with the material file. I have it flagged to look at one day when I have some time. Personally I'm not ready to be making 3D programs with Gideros right now.
A simple 3D loader that can display a model of like inventory items would be pretty cool though.
Also, i'm using exporter that i provided in the link.
BTW, does someone knows a better format than .obj ? something more compact would be good.
How about using http://www.assimp.org/ to support even more formats?
Likes: antix, SinisterSoft, pie
Added normal handling/basic lighting through shaders. See the difference on the picture:
- Top-Left: previous version (no normals/lighting)
- Top-Right: new version (notice rounded shapes)
- Bottom image: original blender scene
Now I need to compute shadows, and I already know this is a complex task!
Likes: MikeHart, pie, antix, jeromegsq, totebo
Likes: SinisterSoft, antix
We've decided (with @Athanyse) to try and add lightmap/bumpmap/normalmap to the next version. I am quite happy with it already, it seems usable enough to build a game. Just need to come out with some original scenario (I was hoping to build an adventure game, like Myst/Riven series).
It could be suitable for a FPS too, or something like Portal..
Likes: pie