Hi all,
I have had a number of apps in the store in the past (Bug Bounce, Garden Marbles, Dessert Dilemma, Dead Words etc) when the store was very new. I am a designer with a limited amount of JS and programming experience, although I also wrote many of the early tutorials for the Unity engine (and am still listed in the 3.5 credits) so consider myself a hobbyist programmer ... I can write great pseudo-code. I have relied, as needed, in the past, for some of the heavier code lifting in my games, on help from people like the fantastic Jedd Haberstro (Apple), Ricardo Quesada (Cocos2D developer), and my coworker and neighbour, Robert Hahn, among others.
I recently helped Robert Hahn do the art for his Gideros-powered iPad game called Phalanx, and his upcoming original unannounced title also in Gideros. That's actually me on the right (I'm that bald!?) in the blog posting about his Phalanx game ...
http://www.giderosmobile.com/blog/2012/02/29/story-board-game-phalanx/. I am also slowly teaching myself Lua and can tinker in Gideros as well.
I am looking for some programming help with an iPad title I released 6 months ago under my KokoTap moniker, Move It, Soldier! It's a basic 2D game where players try to move themselves across a randomly generated battlefield. See the site at
http://moveitsoldier.com (and my other former games at
http://www.kokotap.com). I'd like to "port" the entire Javascript code base and recreate the game in Gideros and Lua to make it cleaner, less crashy, and better organized (using objects etc so it could be extended) with the help a decently skilled programmer from the community here.
The rub is that I can offer little initial funds (more of a profit sharing in the end) but am willing to be patient with the process and will negotiate anything reasonable. [As a designer of 23 years I understand I can get only
two of the following three thing: fast development time, low cost, looks good.] This might be a good project to tackle for someone who knows how to program but wants to dive into the Gideros IDE for the first time, for example.
The "behind-the-scenes" basics are that there are 2-4 players, each taking a turn in turn, draw "cards" from a limited deck (of 15) of three types until they want to wait, move out across the terrain, or fail by accumulating too many pins or hits. When they have enough movement to go forward through to the next terrain types, they can choose to move and then automatically advance until they run out of movement points (MPs are awarded by the card draws). It's a push-your-luck mechanic. Sort of Zombie Dice but with cards and a WW2 theme.
Random events happen based on the difficulty level selected, and the player can be pinned or even forced back if they keep drawing cards to push their luck. The "terrain" is nothing more than 11 slots in array, randomly created each game from three different terrain types (and some different random art for each). Finally, for example, player 2 gets to the end of the terrain (the objective) in a 3 player game, each following (i.e., player 3) still gets a chance to finish as well, else player 2 is declared the winner. Ties can happen. There is no AI involved, this is a strictly pass-and-play title.
Anyway, sorry for the rambling post. If anyone might be interested, I'm most easiest to reach via email: daveyjj at me dot com. Thanks for listening.
[P.S. I wasn't sure what Category this belongs in. Please move it to another if it's wrong.]