After calling application:openUrl(""), does the app close
and then open the web browser? Just wanted to know if I have to do anything special after
calling openURL.
I didn't see anything on the roadmap about UIWebview. Would be nice to have so we
don't have to exit the app to view a website.
Thank you
and also ideas for Gideros Studio page:
So in short, if it's possible to easily add just the dumb component that only loads a page, please do. If it's complicated, don't.
I am just checking to see the status of webview, I am tossing up between corona and gideros at the moment. I would love to use gideros but my projects require webviews for handling my oauth 2 proxy for the API I am using.
Are you interested in any specific platform, ios or android, or both?
For Android you'll have to roll your own plugin (if someone hasn't already done it)
In either case they're not part of the display stack but appear on top (but then again I think they do in Corona as well).
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
The HTML 5 versions of my apps can handle OAUTH 2 with ease as it is simply a case of opening a new window and pushing messages around. However as soon as you bring that to mobile you end up with fragmentation, some bits work and others don't. I am not a massive Java programmer so rolling my own seems like a last resort.
I don't mind the webview appearing on top of the display stack, it is simply to provide a window to my OAuth Proxy.
Thanks for the help, I like how friendly the forums are.
Likes: Cyberience
Attemp to call method openURL (a nil value)
Any suggestions?
Likes: totebo