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path2d setpath not working? — Gideros Forum

path2d setpath not working?

Am I just not doing something correctly? Installed Gideros studio/player on OSX. Opened studio. Copied the moon example verbatim into a lua file, added it to my project, and ran it. Nothing shows up. I tried adding a bitmap just to make sure the player was working correctly and everything and _that_ showed up. I can also get shape stuff to work with moveTo, lineTo, etc... But wanted to use path2d as I want to make some more complicated shapes for which it'd be easier to use setPath's more compact format for.

For reference, I'm talking about the moon example code used here: http://docs.giderosmobile.com/reference/gideros/Path2D/setPath

Does this code snippet work for anybody else?


  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    Just checked and it works, except that you need to place it more appropriately on screen depending on your canvas settings. In a blank project, I had to add
    to show it centered.
  • Oh awesome. That makes it show up for me as well. I knew it'd be something goofy like that. Thanks.

    Is this documentation in source control somewhere such that I could submit a pull request to update this?

    Likes: PaulR

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  • No, but once you get established on the forum pm me with an email address and I'll give you access to update the wiki.


    The wiki is the place we are moving all the docs to.

    I've just updated the page on the wiki:


    Likes: antix, Apollo14

    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
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