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Url response is corrupt, cant read http response — Gideros Forum

Url response is corrupt, cant read http response

YanYan Member
edited March 2019 in Bugs and issues
Gideros can't define server response, is there any problems with charset, how to solve, Im frustrating.

Php code:
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
header('Content-Type: application/json');
die(' @ '); // TRIED 1ST (there are no spaces for real, because forum inserts profile link)
die('1'); // TRIED 2ND
die(json_encode(['response' => 'true'])) // TRIED 3RD
Lua code:
local url	= "<a href="http://localhost/test.php&quot" rel="nofollow">http://localhost/test.php&quot</a>;
local loader = UrlLoader.new()
function onComplete(e)
     p(e.data) -- ' @ '
     p(e.data == ' @ ') -- FALSE !!!
     p(tostring(e.data)) -- ' @ '
     p(tostring(e.data) == ' @ ') -- FALSE !!!
     p(e.data) -- '1'
     p(e.data == 1) -- FALSE !!!
     p(e.data == '1') -- FALSE !!!
     p(tostring(e.data)) -- '1'
     p(tostring(e.data) == '1') -- FALSE !!!
     p(e.data) -- {"response":"true"}
     p(json.decode(e.data)) -- Expected value but found invalid token at character 1 (WHAT THE HELL ???)


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