Hi - I wondered if it would be possible to add a function to clear the content of the player's output window. At the moment right click will let me select all and copy but not clear. It would occasionally be handy to clear it before running code to make it easier to find the latest output, particularly if using an enter frame listener to print out values when debugging.
Thanks, Pete
I usually do something like
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
My problem yesterday was that I was using the print in an an enter frame function and scrolling back up to see my start marker became trickier as the output filled after repeated runs of the code - moving the scroll bar slider just a little way shot loads of output by very quickly and made it hard to catch my marker. Using the scroll arrows became tedious as there was so much to scroll through. I resorted to exiting Gideros and restarting every now and then to refresh the output panel which is why I made my request.
Likes: avo, Bramanik, berkay, Armand
I still miss this feature. Also auto opening the projects folder
when you want to add existing files for examples on the Mac.