Hope you are all doing well
In this thread I will try to keep up making yet another platformer using awesome Gideros
First of all a demo link:
https://mokalux.itch.io/gideros-testsSo far it has:
- cbump (gideros cbump is working fine, the issues I had before was between the keyboard and the chair

- ECS, following my hero (
rrraptor) I tried using tiny ECS (I am still learning it!)
rrraptor's GCam- coyote time and a kind of key buffering for jumping (I used a dirty trick for this one as they were many challenges)
- parallax bgs
- variable jump height
- ladders
- coins
- 1 type of nme
- no delta time (which seems good)
- hide nmes and coins when not on screen (performance?)
- passthrough platforms
- moving platforms
- mobile controls
- ...
I am quite happy with the result 
- sounds
- killing the player
- score
- refining the code
- add a boss
- wall jump?
- dashing?
- ...
In this thread I will try to explain how I did things, you can ask any questions as well
I will post to
GH when I am happy with the code structure (
God's willing).
Viva Gideros Studio
I am going to post it on GH asap.
Here is the demo: https://mokatunprod.itch.io/3dpixel-ultimate-stylized-nature-2d-pack
I pushed it as far as I could, now I am ready to "build" a story and make a GAME
I used some hidden tricks, for example when you climb the ladder the player was jumping at the top which I didn't like too much, so I added a hidden wall and the result is pretty good imho
I especially like how the player falls off ground and platforms
For the ground and the path I used Gideros Shape with a skewed texture which I am a big fan of! can you believe that unity nor godot have implemented it!
What I don't like too much is how I handled ECS at the end, I kinda squeezed everything in one system
Another thing I would love to do is some tutorials (written and YT) but oh boy how am I supposed to explain all this?! bump + ECS + Tiled...
PS: no sound nor UI yet but you can already die and restart the level (wait when you die or press the R key to restart).
PS2: I need to optimize it as well.
PS3: now I am not sure which one I prefer cbump or liquidfun? ECS or classic classes? but that was very interesting and fun to code
What kind of story does it inspire you guys?
PS: for moderators if you think that this is a misleading link just tell me I will post the game on another itch page, or if you guys don't like me posting on this page, please tell me
Viva Gideros
So I said why not add jumping on enemies to kill them, then I said that would be cool if I can also stomp them but I already have springs with variable heights depending if the player holds the down or up keys plus passthrough platforms, ...
So the stomping was adding more complexity and whatnot. Is it adding fun to the game? I think so. Is it crucial? not at this point. Solution? keep this feature in mind and finish your game
Have fun
This is my humble contribution to Gideros
code available on GH
Don't hesitate to fork and maybe make it a community game?
Hope this could help somebody
What is missing is optimisation
Peace and Viva Gideros
this time it's for a wiki tutorial (YT?)
Same recipe: cbump Tiled tiny-ecs
I am making some "level design", need to add some animations and make the code tutorial friendly.
This is wip and should post some of my progress here, God's willing.
Likes: pie
My issue is the graphics
I tried using tiles for performance in Gideros but the levels are not always 32*32 and I couldn't bother making tilesets for every combination.
Now I am using Shapes to add some variety but it's very basic.
I am afraid to draw levels by hand (using either big sprites or an assortment of little sprites) because in some previous 2d platformer attemps this was leading to stutters (maybe latest Gideros Luau will fix this?).
Code not clean so no ready for GH nor wiki
Viva Gideros
Likes: MoKaLux
I have plenty of assets, the difficulty is making sense of all of them in levels AND making the game not lag
PS: I cannot post images on the forum
Likes: pie