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Feature Request — Gideros Forum

Feature Request

yuewahyuewah Member
edited September 2011 in Roadmap
  1. Scene Management
  2. Box2d physics with simple API
  3. Particle Engine that support Particle Designer ( http://particledesigner.71squared.com/ )
  4. Native code support



  • gorkemgorkem Maintainer
    1. Scene Management
    2. Box2d physics with simple API
    3. Particle Engine that support Particle Designer ( http://particledesigner.71squared.com/ )
    4. Native code support

    We started to actively updating the product roadmap (http://giderosmobile.com/DevCenter/index.php?title=Product_Roadmap) according to the requirements of end users.

    Therefore in order to merge your requests into the roadmap, we kindly ask you to detail your needs so we can discuss on further. For example,

    - What would you like to see in a scene management framework?
    - Would you like to see the particle designer directly supported in the IDE (e.g previews), or is it ok to use only API functions and try on the simulator/device?
    - Do you mean 3rd party plugins with "native code support?"

    Your insights will give valuable feedback to us during our planning.


  • There are three feature requests:
    Ad support, Ad support, and Ad support

    If Gideros mobile wants to take a quick lead in mobile development tool market, then the Ad support will be the requirement. Anscamobile is struggling to get a Ad support function into SDK and it took too long to do it. Now it only supports Android ( too buggy for iOS). Plus Anscamobile only supports ad from inmobi, the developers have no choice to select Apple's iAd.

    The developers' income comes from paid games and ads. The paid game's income is very limited unless the game is a huge hit. Therefore the Ad income will be the main factor for developers to survive. So please do not officially release Gideros without Ad support.

    Likes: phongtt

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  • gorkemgorkem Maintainer
    Many thanks - we'll do our best to include ad support in our next version (due end of 2011) which is inline with our roadmap. There are investigations still going on there, so your vision and insights will surely help us decide the framework.
  • MillerszoneMillerszone Member
    edited October 2011
    Gideros Integrated IDE (I'm using on a Mac)
    (I've been using TextMate with other programming languages, Gideros IDE is very good and only missing a few features)
    - Save open tabs for current project. Everytime I re-open a project I have to add the files to the tabs.
    - Block Comment for multiple lines using "--" or "--[[ ]]--" using a key shortcut
    - Function list, drop down list or a list sidebar (helpful when project gets big)
    - Have option to change Font and size
    - Font is to small in the pop-up Error Dialog window. (On the Mac)

    New Features:
    - Particle Engine
    - Video Playback
    - Native Web, email, twitter, facebook (use directly within app)
    - More game examples
    - It looks like most are already on the Product Roadmap

    New Platforms:
    (Besides Android, Some of these probably wont ever make it to Gideros but thought I would list)
    - Android (Android store is growing very fast, cant wait for this platform)
    - HTML5
    - Mac Desktop
    - Windows 7 Mobile
    - Windows Desktop

    Likes: gorkem

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  • atilimatilim Maintainer

    Thank you for these suggestions. They're all really important. I've added them to our request list.

    Are you using 2011.9.beta right? Because we introduce the Android platform with this version. (The installation comes with Gideros Android Player). Android export feature is on the way.

    We're already planning desktop platforms. I guess they will be introduced in near future. Porting to HTML5, Windows 7 Mobile (and Flash) is a different story. Because they don't have direct support of C/C++.

  • I just finished to port one of my previous games (written using objc and cocos2d) to both gideros and corona.

    What i missed really (and mean really!!) is a solid, native transition/tweening system. corona has a transition library, which is very easy to use, and also fast. I could just simply code my own library using timers but it probably ends up to be very slow (considering interpreted lua). Gideros really needs an animation library, preferably be able to animate just any properties (not just display object properties like in corona). Writing bulk of state machine code in onEnterFrame functions just for animation is not cool :/

    Also there seems to be no support for true type fonts. Only option is bitmap/textured text. Using bitmap text is a real pain when you need different sized versions of the same font.

    One last thing: I really loved the export functionality.. corona's way of remote-building- stuff for ios makes me sick. Could it be possible to call our native (objc/xcode written) functions from gideros scripts?? If implemented correctly, this feature would open great possibilities for 3rd party extension programmers out there :)
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    I just finished to port one of my previous games (written using objc and cocos2d) to both gideros and corona.
    great :)
    What i missed really (and mean really!!) is a solid, native transition/tweening system. corona has a transition library, which is very easy to use, and also fast. I could just simply code my own library using timers but it probably ends up to be very slow (considering interpreted lua). Gideros really needs an animation library, preferably be able to animate just any properties (not just display object properties like in corona). Writing bulk of state machine code in onEnterFrame functions just for animation is not cool :/
    Recently, we've ported GTween V2.01 (http://gskinner.com/libraries/gtween/) to Gideros. We'll release it with the next version. I've tested it 20-30 tweens at the same time and performance was really good (maybe it can handle more). But you're right, native tweening implementation would be much more efficient.

    After the next version, we'll definitely have support for plugins and binding c/c++/objective c code to Lua :)

    Also there seems to be no support for true type fonts. Only option is bitmap/textured text. Using bitmap text is a real pain when you need different sized versions of the same font.
    Added to the request list :)

    Thank you
  • gorkemgorkem Maintainer
    After the next version, we'll definitely have support for plugins and binding c/c++/objective c code to Lua :)
    YESS! (happy jump!)

    Really cant wait to see that :) Those who have been waiting for a specific support can now do that themselves, effectively.
  • yay, that feature will make a huge difference for gideros against others.. congrats. :)
  • Can we have an Open button in the toolbar? It's a real pain to have to File|Open each time.

    Likes: gorkem

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  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    Agree. Added to the request list. (btw, are you using 2011.9.beta right? because opening recent projects from the start page is easy.)
  • gorkemgorkem Maintainer
    @bernard "Open" icon in the toolbar will be implemented in 2011.9 final, thanks for the tip.
  • MillerszoneMillerszone Member
    edited October 2011
    Like to see these added in the Shape > Sprite Class:
    Shape:setCircleStyle( xCenter, yCenter, radius )
    Shape.setRectStyle( left, top, width, height )
    Shape:setRoundedRectStyle( left, top, width, height, cornerRadius )

  • I noticed that there is no Leaderboard Achievment API for the Android on the Roadmap.
    Since Game Center is not Android compatible, maybe in a future release you can add OpenFeint
    or another Leaderboard API?

  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    You're right. We've updated our roadmap.

    Thank you :)
  • I asked if you can add this:
    Save open tabs for current project. Everytime I re-open a project I have to add the files to the tabs. I read on twitter that you already have it ready for the next release. Thanks!

    Now I realize that the bookmarks arent saved when exiting Gideros. Can you please add this?
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    yes we can :) again added to the requests list
  • MillerszoneMillerszone Member
    edited October 2011
    Here are some low priority request.

    - Hide the top status bar on devices(can be done in the .plist or Manifest.xml files, but could make it easier if there was a command.
    - Command to get Device Name and Model(Application:getDeviceName)
    - Make Find/Replace window stay on top(sometimes it gets hidden and can't bring back)
    - In the IDE, save the function folds when exiting Gideros
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    edited October 2011
    I've added these to the requests lists (only saving the folded functions may not be implemented soon)

    thank you mike
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    I may not understand the item "Hide the top status bar on devices". Because it's already hidden on iOS and Android.
  • detect gestures such as shake
  • project template including some common featurs such as main menu,pause screen,level selection screen and so on
  • @mike
    I may not understand the item "Hide the top status bar on devices". Because it's already hidden on iOS and Android.
    Sorry, I meant "Show the top status bar". Would be good for non-game apps.
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    @alexzheng and @mike
    these requests are added to the list. thank you.

  • some essential request
    1. scence support
    2. local persistance
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    for the item 2, you can save/load any file into documents directory by giving the filename "|D|file.txt":

    We don't support bindings for sqlite yet but you can save and load any Lua table easily:
  • hi!

    thanks for your kind reply.

    another suggestion, gider player on the device is a great future. However,It's not much convenient to wait for connecting to the player,would it be much better to add a connect button on the player setting dialog
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    edited November 2011

    When you open the player on the device, how long does it take to connect? It shouldn't take more than 2-3 seconds. If so, can you tell me your OS?
This discussion has been closed.