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any demo code for lua socket — Gideros Forum

any demo code for lua socket

edited June 2012 in General questions
Hi everyone,
I found that gideros support luasocket but can not find a demo code to implement this.
So can you show some line of code to using this feature (Open socket and send some bytes to server)
And about websocket, is gideros support for websocket?
Coming soon


  • JaviJavi Member
    edited June 2012
    Add /All Plugins/LuaSocket/Source/socket.lua to your project.
    Now you can use sockets, example (download Google's robots.txt file using HTTP GET method):
    local socket = require("socket")
    client = socket.connect("google.com", 80)
    client:send("GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")
    while true do
      s, status, partial = client:receive(1024)
      print(s or partial)
      if status == "closed" then 
    You can also add and use FTP, SMTP, etc.

    Note: To use WebSocket you'll need to implement the WebSocket protocol using LuaSockets.
    +1 -1 (+3 / -0 )Share on Facebook
  • Thanks for your help, i feel very happy :x
    Coming soon
  • Ah one more question, how can i using socket to send byte arrays? :P
    Coming soon
  • JaviJavi Member
    Ah one more question, how can i using socket to send byte arrays? :P
    In my last post I gave you a basic example of how to do it; how to make a connection with a server, send and receive "byte arrays".
    Just use strings, in Lua a string is nothing more than an array of bytes. So if you need to send a table, for example, serialize it in a string.
    +1 -1 (+1 / -0 )Share on Facebook
  • Thanks Javi,
    Let me tell more detail about my purpose:

    I plan to communicate with Cubeia Firebase server:


    So in protocol i thinks it must truly send bytes data:


    So can you show me some way to do this
    Coming soon
  • JaviJavi Member
    Thanks Javi,
    Let me tell more detail about my purpose:

    I plan to communicate with Cubeia Firebase server:


    So in protocol i thinks it must truly send bytes data:


    So can you show me some way to do this
    You'll need to implement the Firebase protocol, it seems to be simple, based on packets [total_size_of_the_packet, type_id, arguments...] for each operation/request.

    To build the packets you'll need to serialize integers in big-endian format.
    Download and add to your project "numberlua.lua" to be able to perform bit-wise operations.

    Something like this should work:
    local bit32 = require "numberlua".bit32
    -- Integer 32 bit serialization (big-endian)
    function serializeInt32(value)
      local a = bit32.band(bit32.rshift(value, 24), 255)
      local b = bit32.band(bit32.rshift(value, 16), 255)
      local c = bit32.band(bit32.rshift(value, 8), 255)
      local d = bit32.band(value, 255)
      return string.char(a, b, c, d)
    -- Base function to build Firebase packets
    function packet(body)
      local size = #body + 4
      return serializeInt32(size) .. body
    -- Example, function to build VERSION packets (type_id = 0)
    function versionPacket(game_id, operator_id, protocol_version)
      local body = string.char(0) .. serializeInt32(game_id) .. serializeInt32(operator_id) .. serializeInt32(protocol_version)
      return packet(body)
    -- More functions to create the rest of the packets, type_id=1, type_id=2...
    -- <version_packet_str> is the packet serialized as a string
    local version_packet_str = versionPacket(123, 456, 1)
    local response_packet_str = sendPacketToFirebaseServer(version_packet_str)
    +1 -1 (+1 / -0 )Share on Facebook
  • Thanks Javi for very very detail help! :x
    Coming soon
  • JaviJavi Member
    You're welcome :)
    +1 -1 (+1 / -0 )Share on Facebook
  • Hi Javi,
    I'm implement protocol and in sendPacketToFirebaseServer, i try this:

    function sendPacketToFirebaseServer(version_packet_str)
    client = socket.connect("localhost", 4123)
    while true do
    s, status, partial = client:receive(1024)
    print(s or partial)
    if status == "closed" then
    return "done";

    But the player become not response (Server work well)

    So can you show me the right way to receive server response?

    And can you please show me how to pack String argument?
    (example login request : https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1-FWLsdxkkvuf1zdvSCZINCkevHaVzkBC2F_WO2E1vpc#id.l9sgb8g2sp39)
    Coming soon
  • JaviJavi Member
    edited June 2012
    Hi Javi,
    I'm implement protocol and in sendPacketToFirebaseServer, i try this:

    function sendPacketToFirebaseServer(version_packet_str)
    client = socket.connect("localhost", 4123)
    while true do
    s, status, partial = client:receive(1024)
    print(s or partial)
    if status == "closed" then
    return "done";

    But the player become not response (Server work well)

    So can you show me the right way to receive server response?

    And can you please show me how to pack String argument?
    (example login request : https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1-FWLsdxkkvuf1zdvSCZINCkevHaVzkBC2F_WO2E1vpc#id.l9sgb8g2sp39)
    I don't use/know Firebase but I suppose that first you need to send a login request packet to the server.
    function serializeInt16(value)
      local a = bit32.band(bit32.rshift(value, 8), 255)
      local b = bit32.band(value, 255)
      return string.char(a, b)
    function int32(str)
      return string.byte(str, 1) * 16777216 + string.byte(str, 2) * 65536 + string.byte(str, 3) * 256 + string.byte(str, 4)
    function int16(str)
      return string.byte(str, 1) * 256 + string.byte(str, 2)
    function stringLuaToStringFirebase(lua_str)
      return serializeInt16(#lua_str) .. lua_str
    function stringFirebaseToStringLua(firebase_str)
      return string.sub(firebase_str, 3, int16(firebase_str) + 2)
    function stringLuaToArrayFirebase(lua_str)
      return serializeInt32(#lua_str) .. lua_str
    function arrayFirebaseToStringLua(firebase_str)
      return string.sub(firebase_str, 5, int32(firebase_str) + 4)
    function typeOfPacket(packet)
      if packet == nil or #packet < 6 then
        return nil
      return string.byte(string.sub(packet, 5))
    function loginRequestPacket(user, password, operator_id, credentials)
      local body = string.char(10) .. stringLuaToStringFirebase(user) .. 
                  stringLuaToStringFirebase(password) .. 
                  serializeInt32(operator_id) .. 
      return packet(body)
    function printLoginResponsePacket(packet)
      local pos = 6
      local screen_name = stringFirebaseToStringLua(string.sub(packet, pos))
      pos = pos + #screen_name + 2
      local pid = int32(string.sub(packet, pos))
      pos = pos + 4
      local status = string.byte(string.sub(packet, pos))
      pos = pos + 1
      local code = int32(string.sub(packet, pos))
      pos = pos + 4
      local message = stringFirebaseToStringLua(string.sub(packet, pos))
      pos = pos + #message + 2
      local credentials = arrayFirebaseToStringLua(string.sub(packet, pos))
      print("Screen name: " .. screen_name)
      print("PID: " .. pid)
      print("Status: " .. status)
      print("Code: " .. code)
      print("Message: " .. message)
    function sendPacketToFirebaseServer(packet)
      client = socket.connect("", 4123)
      local response_packet = ""
      while true do
        local s, status, partial = client:receive(1024)
        local str = s or partial
        if str then
          response_packet = response_packet .. str
        if status == "closed" then 
      return response_packet
    local login_packet_request = loginRequestPacket("username", "password", 123, 456)
    local response_packet = sendPacketToFirebaseServer(login_packet_request)
    if typeOfPacket(response_packet) == 11 then

    PD: Do not print directly the response packets, unpack them (see printLoginResponsePacket(...) as an example).
    +1 -1 (+1 / -0 )Share on Facebook
  • Thanks Javi for more detail function.
    When server receive packet, it show hex dump
    00 00 00 16 0A 00 06 74 69 6E 68 6C 68 00 03 31 32 33 00 00 00 7B
    And do not accept message.

    INFO SessionHandler - Exception caught for session. Closing session: (SOCKET, R
    : /, L: /, S: /
    org.apache.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolDecoderException: java.nio.BufferUnderflowE
    xception (Hexdump: 00 00 00 16 0A 00 06 74 69 6E 68 6C 68 00 03 31 32 33 00 00 0
    0 7B)
    at org.apache.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolCodecFilter.messageReceived(Prot

    So do we packed it right?
    Coming soon
  • JaviJavi Member
    Thanks Javi for more detail function.
    When server receive packet, it show hex dump
    00 00 00 16 0A 00 06 74 69 6E 68 6C 68 00 03 31 32 33 00 00 00 7B
    And do not accept message.

    INFO SessionHandler - Exception caught for session. Closing session: (SOCKET, R
    : /, L: /, S: /
    org.apache.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolDecoderException: java.nio.BufferUnderflowE
    xception (Hexdump: 00 00 00 16 0A 00 06 74 69 6E 68 6C 68 00 03 31 32 33 00 00 0
    0 7B)
    at org.apache.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolCodecFilter.messageReceived(Prot

    So do we packed it right?
    I forgot to write the credentials in quotes:
    local login_packet_request = loginRequestPacket("username", "password", 123, "456")
    If the problem persists try excluding the size of the first field:
    -- Base function to build Firebase packets
    function packet(body)
      local size = #body
      return serializeInt32(size) .. body
    +1 -1 (+1 / -0 )Share on Facebook
  • Hi Javi,
    I try as you comment but it still cause error.
    For detail and debug information, i send you Server code and Client Code.
    To start Server, go to pom.xml file folder and type maven command: mvn firebase:run
    (No Database and Setup require)
    Many Thanks!

    Coming soon
  • JaviJavi Member
    edited June 2012
    It works, the problem was you used stringLuaToStringFirebase(credentials) instead of stringLuaToArrayFirebase(credentials).

    The server doesn't close the connection so I've modified also sendPacketToFirebaseServer(...).
    function packet(body)
      local size = #body + 4
      return serializeInt32(size) .. body
    function loginRequestPacket(user, password, operator_id, credentials)
      local body = string.char(10) .. stringLuaToStringFirebase(user) .. 
        stringLuaToStringFirebase(password) .. 
        serializeInt32(operator_id) .. 
        stringLuaToArrayFirebase(credentials) -- This is an ARRAY!
      return packet(body)
    function sendPacketToFirebaseServer(packet)
      client = socket.connect("", 4123)
      local response_packet = ""
      while true do
        local s, status, partial = client:receive(1)
        local str = s or partial
        if str then
          response_packet = response_packet .. str
          response_packet = nil
        local response_packet_size = #response_packet
        if response_packet_size > 4 then
          if response_packet_size == int32(response_packet) then
            -- OK, packet received
        if status == "closed" then 
          response_packet = nil
      return response_packet -- Note: if any problem response_packet == nil
    local login_packet_request = loginRequestPacket("tinhlh", "123", 123, "456")
    local response_packet = sendPacketToFirebaseServer(login_packet_request)
    local type_of_packet = typeOfPacket(response_packet)
    if type_of_packet == nil then
      print("Connection error!")
    elseif type_of_packet == 11 then
    else  -- Rest of packets...  elseif type_of_packet == X then (...)
      print("Type of packet received: " .. type_of_packet)
    Now just follow the protocol and implement the rest of the packets, ok?
    +1 -1 (+2 / -0 )Share on Facebook
  • SinisterSoftSinisterSoft Maintainer
    An example on how to comms using sockets to an OAuth 2.0 systsem would be great, this way we could login to Facebook, Twitter and loads more online systems.
    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
  • edited June 2012
    Wow wow!
    It works like a charm!
    Thanks Javi so much for your Patient support!
    I've updated client code and share to community (http://www.giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/1098/complete-code-client-server-for-building-multiplayer-game)

    Again, thanks Javi! :)>-

    Likes: ndoss, MoKaLux

    Coming soon
    +1 -1 (+2 / -0 )Share on Facebook
  • @Javi & @vitalitymobile ... thanks for sharing ... this is nice!
  • JaviJavi Member
    You are all welcome
  • A simple code but help me so much!
    It's easy to understand and practice...
    Thanks so much
    +1 -1 (+1 / -0 )Share on Facebook
  • That's nice
    Thanks @Javi and @vitalitymobile
    +1 -1 (+1 / -0 )Share on Facebook
  • Apollo14Apollo14 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hi guys!
    I'm trying to create basic luasocket project.
    How to fix this error? It seems that a file is missing, though I'm using Gideros 2018.6.2, everything should be there. All plugin files are present in C:\Program Files(x86)\Gideros\All Plugins\luasocket
    (I've enabled plugin "Lua Socket" in my project's settings)
    All I have in my 'main.lua':
    local socket = require("socket")
    client = socket.connect("google.com", 80)
    client:send("GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")
    while true do
    	s, status, partial = client:receive(1024)
    	print(s or partial)
    		if status == "closed" then 
    Console error:
    main.lua is uploading.
    Uploading finished.
    main.lua:14: module 'socket' not found:
    	no field package.preload['socket']
    	no file './socket.lua'
    	no file './socket/init.lua'
    	no file './_LuaPlugins_/socket.lua'
    	no file './_LuaPlugins_/socket/init.lua'
    	no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/socket.lua'
    	no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/socket/init.lua'
    	no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/socket.lua'
    	no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/socket/init.lua'
    	no file './socket.so'
    	no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/socket.so'
    	no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/loadall.so'
    stack traceback:
    	main.lua:14: in main chunk
    main.lua is uploading.
    Uploading finished.
    main.lua:1: module 'socket' not found:
    	no field package.preload['socket']
    	no file './socket.lua'
    	no file './socket/init.lua'
    	no file './_LuaPlugins_/socket.lua'
    	no file './_LuaPlugins_/socket/init.lua'
    	no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/socket.lua'
    	no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/socket/init.lua'
    p. s. When I'm trying to open Arthur's example project, error:
    Uploading finished.
    cannot open socket.lua: No such file or directory
    socket.lua cannot be opened.
    > Newcomers roadmap: from where to start learning Gideros
    "What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
    “The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
  • olegoleg Member
    add the plugin to the project
    my games:
    мій блог по гідерос https://simartinfo.blogspot.com
    Слава Україні!
  • oleg said:

    add the plugin to the project

    I've added it first of all.
    > Newcomers roadmap: from where to start learning Gideros
    "What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
    “The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
  • *attached my gproj to this post
    > Newcomers roadmap: from where to start learning Gideros
    "What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
    “The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
  • uh, I had to add 'socket.lua' to my project's files, together with 'main.lua'
    Got some response from Google! :D
    socket.lua is uploading.
    Uploading finished.
    HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    Accept-Ranges: none
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Content-Type: text/plain
    Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2018 07:44:50 GMT
    Expires: Sat, 11 Aug 2018 07:44:50 GMT
    Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
    Last-Modified: Fri, 25 May 2018 19:00:00 GMT
    X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
    Server: sffe
    X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block

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    Allow: /maps/reserve/partners
    Disallow: /maps/reserve/api/
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    > Newcomers roadmap: from where to start learning Gideros
    "What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
    “The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
  • olegoleg Member
    edited August 2018
    в Arthur's example project , відсутній файл socket.lua(файл є але запорчений) - додай його

    в мене цей приклад працює

    Likes: Apollo14

    my games:
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    Слава Україні!
    +1 -1 (+1 / -0 )Share on Facebook
  • oleg said:

    в Arthur's example project , відсутній файл socket.lua(файл є але запорчений) - додай його

    в мене цей приклад працює

    now it works! thx!

    Likes: MoKaLux

    > Newcomers roadmap: from where to start learning Gideros
    "What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
    “The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
    +1 -1 (+1 / -0 )Share on Facebook
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