Hi guys!!
sorry for the delay but i'm very busy at work this time and my "gideros" works are little slow... but...
here is a first video of TnT Animator Studio (the editor frontend) running on win7 (will be avaible on osx an linux too in native)
with TnT Animator Studio you can easly "setup" your animations (with no code at all) and then (with very little code) use in your game (an the animations are time based!)
all event driven.
i hope to release in 2-3 week (editor + gideros sdk)
here is it:

ciao ciao
P.S.: What tool did you use to create the app?
i used Lazarus... it's free and easy... (it's like delphi but free)
and used TBGRABitmap to manipulate bitmaps... (also if under osx is a little bugged, but the author solved the problems that i had found and now work fine even on osx).
ciao ciao
I use Lazarus a lot too! It is great isn't it!
the output file will be an xml file that contain only animation definition map;
all graphics is standard gideros texture pack output. (you need to define your sprites pack with Gideros Texture Packer first). than load output xml file in your game using tnt animator framework and manage with it. B-)
(btw, I also appreciate your music choices
i tested the first time some years ago... but was very unusable...
but now can compete *REALLY* with Delphi 7 and is multiplatform too!!
i love it !
(i coded a big shop management software in delphi 7 some years ago! ... ohh when i was young...
the music (that is free) it's by http://www.danosongs.com/ (a very talented man)!
My apps: http://www.yummyyellow.com
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
I started with Delphi 1.0 back in 1996, then version 3 and then for a long time version 6. Version 7 I used very shortly and then they started to really change the tool. I didn't like the path they took.
Lazarus is more back to the roots of Delphi. And yes, when you want to create something cross platform, then it can be a pain in your rear end. Also Cocoa support is still pretty much non existant. But with IndeED for C*r*na it did a good job. I just wish that I could have used the syntax highlighter component I bought for Delphi at the time IndeED was developed with that language (around 2002-2004). It is much more powerful than the native component that is shipped with Lazarus.
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
iTunes: http://itunes.com/apps/glennbacon
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=bl_sr_mobile-apps?_encoding=UTF8&node=2350149011&field-brandtextbin=Glenn Bacon
My apps: http://www.yummyyellow.com
yes it will run native on Windows and OsX (the editor) (probably on Linux too) (so @Magnusviri if you want you are in)
the develop is a little slow because i'm very busy at work this days... but the editor is almost finished (i need only to write load/save project code) and a little clean up.
in the next days my site change from www.tntparticlesengine.com in www.tntengine.com (it's more easy to write ... at least for me...)
ciao ciao
Likes: atilim, avo, techdojo