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Street Pool - new game made with Gideros Studio — Gideros Forum

Street Pool - new game made with Gideros Studio

Street Pool game is the original mix of billiard and arkanoid games – completely new technology called ArkaPool. Simply touch the white ball, when the streetlamp is light on; drag the line with adjusting power and try to aim the other billiard's balls to put in "pockets" - holes of street duct! Move the white ball freely on the board. Remember to get some additional points by breaking glass bricks, and if you are very skillful, you need to destroy all of them on each level to achieve gold medals! Beware the outs of all billiard's balls and don’t worry about bigger objects...
Near the out? Try to rescue the billiard balls by using (like a puzzle) unbreakable gold bricks. Earn Gold Bricks for every return to Street Pool game and every highscore, enjoy!
Not enough power from dragging line? Use additionally slider to adjust precise power, and make more fun!
Street Pool game is based on Box2D physic’s engine. You probably need to spend couple of days to get all of Gold Medals. First 20 levels require true billiard skill, patience and power to break on the next level...See ya soon and good luck!

Street Pool contains third party's advertisements.

Feature bullets:
• 20 levels with a lot of glass bricks to break and 9 different kind of balls to strike!
• 2 independent power controllers (line and slider) to have more fun!
• 2 systems of achievements: Gold Medals and Gold Bricks (collectable and unbreakable)

"Pool and Arkanoid gameplay can seem a bizarre combination. However, the result is quite." (Emmanuel Lund APPSZOOM: 3/5 Worthy)

version 1.33:

Best Regards for Gideros Community
Please review, comment, rate and be censorious!

Fx Studio

What's new?
1.35 version:
- critical bug fixed: occuring on an older devices after resume application by pressed hardware Home/Center button; it looked like blank, white screen, sometimes with pulsing of gold brick
- critical bug fixed: multiplying main process; it looked like running application several times
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