thanks to the help that I got from the community members
here and
there, I could make progress on my apps.
Displayed below is not an app but a scene quickly prototyped on the ipad (100% for the art) after I got answers on the forum, and that I have set up for my tests.

And a video (sorry for the bad quality, I have saved the video with Quicktime and the settings were set to "best" though (?)).
Since I made the video I have improved the effects, the shadows on the floor and other things but the purpose of this scene is not to get polished visuals so I have already moved to the next goal.
Why did I need to create a thread only to say "thank you"?
Because the answers have open for me a lot of possibilities for my future apps and pushed me to brush my coding skills.
So, *thank you* again to all the people that commented.
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
Lush? I didn't know that word - found "lush : one who becomes intoxicated after a few drinks and flirts with everyone" between other translations (!).
The art was done with Procreate (1920x1408).
ProCreate - that's definitely one on the AppShopper list for me
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill