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OUYA - The new (upcoming) Android console



  • gorkemgorkem Maintainer
    @sinistersoft I think it's a matter of time as we have a close look at what GameStick can achieve and to what extend it's adopted among developers.
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  • People are already announcing that their games will support Ouya. Isn't it a bit early..
  • jvdmjvdm Member
    greetings all,

    i haven' t posted in a while, work and studies have been sapping most of my time. has there been any further development with OUYA support in Gideros? I'm really interested in the platform and it would be awesome to use Gideros for OUYA development.

    take care,
  • Waiting for mine (and GameStick) to arrive soon and hoping that Gideros will eventually support either or both and also WP8 (that is also needed badly!) :)

    Likes: SinisterSoft

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  • For those interested, my Ouya has just arrived. Haven't set it up yet though :)

    Likes: MobAmuse

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  • ...still waiting...
  • PlatypusPlatypus Member
    edited May 2013
    Well, how about that, 'ey?!

    I just logged onto the Gideros forums with the intention of starting a thread about (the) OUYA, only to find - not only that someone else is interested, but - that I'm ten months late to the party!

    From all of the excitement I've been noticing recently, I think the OUYA will be successful. The people buying them all seem to be experienced and aspiring developers!

    I want one.

    ...more and more each day.

    @Moopf, after you've had a chance to play with it, please give us a report! I'm dying to hear about it.

    I ... will be working with @Atilim to get Gideros working with OUYA.
    What's the latest news on that? Has it already happened?
    Kate's Catalogue of Travelling Theatre Centres :
    Meet Kate. Grey is her favourite colour. Maths is her favourite subject. Decency is her favourite type of behaviour.
    She definitely does not like jewellery or modelling, but loves aeroplanes and other machines made of aluminium.
  • First impressions are that it's a neat little console (although the documentation that comes with it covering setup is woeful - it doesn't even tell you how you put the batteries in the controller, had to work that out by seeing which bits of the controller came apart - top of each of the arms as it turns out, one battery in either side). Apart from that though setup was pretty straight forward and no hitches.

    However the big problem is that the game selection is poor. One of the games they seem to be pushing in the 'Discover' section (where you download games) is called Flashout 3D - it's such a straight out Wipeout copy I can't believe the developers can actually get away with it. Apart from that, there are a few well known mobile titles that I'm not sure really offer anything different on the Ouya and a lot of rubbish (there's only 128 titles in total currently anyway). I've downloaded some more games to try later as well. Haven't been tempted to purchase any yet.

    I'd read that there were problems with the accuracy of the controller - can't say I've noticed that yet. Don't really see the point of the touchable area on the controller though, that doesn't seem to be very granular in response.

    So yeah it's a neat little device and at the price point I can see people picking it up once it hits the stores. Needs better documentation for consumers though and the game selection needs to be better. It requires, like consoles have always done, a platform-specific title of gravitas but I think that's going to be really difficult with this as it won't have the penetration so unless Ouya fund such a title I wonder if anybody else would take the risk.

    Not sure I'd put much time and effort into a Ouya port of a game at the moment if I was in the position to consider it - can't see where you'd get the payback on that until it's proved itself. This isn't going to shift numbers like the iPhone did when it first appeared - there won't be any gold rush on this unless consumer sales are huge.
  • Thanks very much for that, @Moopf.

    By the way, here are two simple games that I reckon would be fun to play [if they become available on Ouya - which they might] while relaxing and havin' a few larfs with friends:



    After reading @Moopf's assessment of the current game selection, I think there is a great opportunity to be seized in the Ouya game market. It is waiting for a creative, original champion.
    Kate's Catalogue of Travelling Theatre Centres :
    Meet Kate. Grey is her favourite colour. Maths is her favourite subject. Decency is her favourite type of behaviour.
    She definitely does not like jewellery or modelling, but loves aeroplanes and other machines made of aluminium.
  • @Moopf - the thing I'm really interested in with Ouya (and or potentially GameStick) is support for emulators for SNES / Genesis / Mame style roms so I can enjoy retro gaming with my wife on the big telly.

    Is there any support for that yet (or even the ability to side load your own apps?)
    WhiteTree Games - Home, home on the web, where the bits and bytes they do play!
    #MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
  • @techdojo You can side load and there are emulators but I haven't played around with either yet. Will try to as soon as I can!
  • @techdojo: You can download MAME4droid for android devices and @moopf you can download the source here (both iOS and android) which currently doesn't support Ouya if you fancy trying to add support :D
  • You all might want to know something interesting now I've tried side loading. I've got two apps that I'm working on made with Gideros installed onto the Ouya and they work fine :) Obviously using the touch pad on the Ouya controller is a bunch of hurt but, in principle, Gideros apps work on it :D
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    So basically only thing needed is to map keys and some library support as in-apps, etc?
  • @ar2rsawseen Pretty much as far as I can tell. I only did quick tests but if somebody has an apk that they can put on a URL for me I can test other apps. Neither of mine currently have any audio in them so I haven't tested that part yet.

    Likes: fxone

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  • Run the ZX Spectrum emulator on the Ouya and voila, you have all of the zx spectrum games on about 4-8GB space and... it would still be cheaper than the original machines. Any one got an Ouya? Would Gideros allow Ouya compatibility?
    twitter: @ozapps | http://www.oz-apps.com | http://howto.oz-apps.com | http://reviewme.oz-apps.com
    Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
    Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
  • Oh, I missed @moopf's comment on having got an Ouya and side loaded two APK's made in Gideros Mobile.

    @Moopf, Is there a lot of work trying to get the controller working?
    twitter: @ozapps | http://www.oz-apps.com | http://howto.oz-apps.com | http://reviewme.oz-apps.com
    Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
    Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
  • @OZApps Not sure, I haven't actually looked into the libs available yet. Just wanted to see if an app made with Gideros would run with a standard apk and it does.
  • fxonefxone Member
    edited May 2013
    @moopf wow it would be great! I'm very interested in. Here you go: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nrnj10wmr0olgni/SB6b9AoQB8
    thanks! I appreciate that.
    ps. especially: how do the ads (version of apks with Admob only) work? ;)
  • @fxone Unfortunately none of yours launch properly. The Lady Rabbit Demo shows the Gideros splash screen though, all the others just appear to crash straight away and go back to the Ouya menu screens (the Lady Rabbit Demo also went back to the menu screens after showing the splash). Sorry :(

    Likes: fxone

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  • @fxone Did all these apks use Admob? I wonder if that's the problem.
  • fxonefxone Member
    edited May 2013
    @moopf probably because of this:
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>
    or other stuff from AndroidManifest.xml I'll try later to prepare new versions, maybe at today's evening or tommorow morning.
    For now thanks for trying!
    ps.yes they are.. So I'll also prepare versions without ads.
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    @moopf so touch events are working correctly from the touch pad without any modifications?
  • @ar2rsawseen Yes, kind of. From what I've worked out a touch is done with a tap on the touch pad on the controller. However, for a touch and drag it's a double tap, holding the second tap. At least, that's what I've worked out so far.
  • @moopf, great news that you've got a Gideros app working on the Ouya. I'm still waiting for mine to arrive. When it does, maybe it will give me a bit more incentive to get into Android programming.

    best regards
  • Kate's Catalogue of Travelling Theatre Centres :
    Meet Kate. Grey is her favourite colour. Maths is her favourite subject. Decency is her favourite type of behaviour.
    She definitely does not like jewellery or modelling, but loves aeroplanes and other machines made of aluminium.
  • MobAmuseMobAmuse Member
    edited June 2013
    Finally after waiting what seemed like forever, my ltd edition ouya arrived today. After setting it up I threw a few gideros coded android apps at it via dropbox as sideloads. Everything worked 100% as the apps are suited to trackpad/pointer play. Using screen scale from iPad source graphics the apps looked good even on 65inch plasma panel (well good enough). The only thing holding me back really is the IAP via gideros for these particular apps. I'm even thinking of just releasing some 100% free now to get one free marketing mileage out of Ouya's early days... The only thing that has made me stop for now is the sandbox thing, where once you have passed submission you're app is then fed to the ouya sandbox before it gets promoted further. Still if totally free anyway its not a prob I guess. I doubt there is anywhere near the money in it as compared to Amazon and Google App Stores but these niche things can produce surprising results from time to time. Anyhooo I await the Ouya export option in gideros in future then with support for IAP. I've seen the recent Gideros labs thing whichs is cool but reckon the wait for IAP integration will be some time off in reality. That's about it.
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    @MobAmuse the problem is that we don't have an ouya yet and we could advance only as far as we did now because @moopf helped as with testing. :)
    I can try to implement the IAP by their documentation (and I will do that), but I won't be able to test it thoroughly, thus it will be in Gideros Labs, but not as official export until we will have our own OUYA :)

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  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    And about Ouya shipping, do you know if they can easily ship Ouyas to UK? (So that one of my friends living in UK can bring it to me)

    @Platypus I wonder how they've convinced Apple? :)

    Likes: MobAmuse

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