hi! i'm making some test on my new lib; so i making some gfx and discovered this issue:
with attached image (128x128)
i have problem on Huawei andorid device it display only 5 colors...

NB: on this devices run fine ALL games that i have tested until now (gideros and non gideros games).
on my others devices this image is displayed correctly...
note: i tested 24-bit and 8-bit image version... with alpha and non...
any idea?
the second image is displayed correctly even on Huawei device!!!!!!
if anyone can try this example on an old Android device...
the box gfx is displayed correctly ?
Have you tried changing that color's RGB?
The violet/pink color around the square is pretty similar to what in ActionScript is used for sprites as transparent color. Don't know if it gives you any clues.
binary my self can't understand any thing why result is different
edit :- ok may be something with alpha and non alpha
my device lg optimus p500
note: i tested 24-bit and 8-bit image version <<<<<------ how ?? doesn't Gideros is loading image in 32 bit by default or i am missing something