I was wondering how hard it would be to have some basic socket support. Lua doesn't have it on it's own, but rather needs a C library (
LuaSocket). Is that easy to compile into the rest of the Lua runner? Or is this something that really should go into a Plugin, when those are available?
For many things, URLLoader is probably good enough, but it's kind of hard to push things from a server using HTTP (though there are ways). Speaking of which, how does URLLoader react if you don't reply for a while from the server, does it time out or does it stay connected "forever"? Because if it just waits, then that's one way of doing it.
LuaSocket is by default a blocking socket library and it should be used with one of the threading libraries or with Copas to avoid blocking of game loop. Therefore, we need to design a socket library which will be also compatible with our event system.
URLLoader is non-blocking and asynchronous. The functions URLLoader.new and URLLoader:load immediately returns and the current state is watched through Event.COMPLETE, Event.PROGRESS and Event.ERROR events. For example, if server doesn't reply for a long time and timeout occurs, Event.ERROR is dispatched and the connection is closed automatically. Meanwhile game your loop continues to execute
Likes: gorkem
With it's select() and settimeout() it is completely possible to write non-blocking networking applications with Lua Sockets.
Corona does it, and I've written apps that have built-in servers in them (using copas).
Not being able to do so from Gideros is likely to be a showstopper for me.
Likes: acesquared
Likes: gorkem
@acesquared, uhm.. LuaSec depends on OpenSSL. I don't have any experience building OpenSSL on iOS and Android. Anyway, I'm adding it to the roadmap but I'll take time to support it. http://bugs.giderosmobile.com/issues/94
Likes: techdojo, phongtt, OZApps
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
(I'm not super-anxious for it; knowing it will be included the next version is enough to allow me to proceed with using Gideros...)
@OZApps I couldn't post the plugin here yet. Maybe a couple of days later.