Hi all, i'm testing a game and i got two sizes of images:
480x320 and 960x640 when i play on Gideros Simulator and Gideros Player (device)
he don't load the second set of images (
@2x) and not apply auto image smooth,
so the image look high pixelated, there is a bug or i'm totally noob ?

My Devices:
iPhone 3Gs - 480x320 - iOS 6 (not tested app/game)
Xperia Play - 854x480 - Android 2.3.3 > tested
@2x not working
Galaxy Tab GT-P6200L - 1024x600 - Android 3.2 > tested
@2x not working
My Config:
@2x - Scale 2
Gideros v2012.08.4
Any help will be very usefull
Likes: KeepTrying, e2000
1-Write a global function if yo don't want to pass the second boolean variable always like:
by the way how i solve that images to turn smooth ?
local playBut = GCbutton.new("menuIMG/playButUp.png", "menuIMG/playButDown.png", true);
when i add , true on playButUp.png" i got a error;
i'll deploy the game on iOS and Android, any suggestion about minimum hardware requirements ? i was thinking:
iOS 4.3 + iTouch device ARMv7 and Up
Android 2.1 + device ARMv7 and Up
How about OpenGL ES 1.1 - OpenGL ES 2.0 is that important for 2D games ?
Thank you guys;
iOS 3.2+, armv6+
Android 2.2+, armv6+
OpenGL ES 1.1+
On the other hand, if your application requires high-end devices (have lots of sprites, etc), you may want to remove armv6 support and limit OpenGL ES 2.0 and higher.
And can you run the example "Hardware/Automatic Image Resolution" with various resolutions?
is that right ? tested on Mac OSX and stay the same problem
My game is a very simple Runner game based on H4ch1's framework, i have made a little search about iOS and Android devices usage so i'll stay with:
iOS 4.3+ ARMv7+ OpenGL ES 2.0+
Android 2.2+ ARMv7+ OpenGL ES 2.0+
in a near future i will add Game Center and OpenFeint;
and also after you change the resolution of gideros player do you have pressed cmd + R from studio it is necessary gideros player does not refreshing automatically.
I'm feeling the dumbest guy in the world
I have tryed so many things on Mac, Win, Android and here we go through the same road O_O - Please see another screenshot;
Everything is fine right ?
Likes: KeepTrying
I'm so so dumb you is totally right, i use to be on Corona SDK (no IDE) and now i'm with Gideros (very nice IDE and ultra fast test on device feature)
local playBut = GCbutton.new("menuIMG/playButUp.png", "menuIMG/playButDown.png", true);
When i use the ", true" after menuIMG/playButUp.png" i got a error any tip with that ?
Many thanks to all that answered my ultra noob questions
not familiar with GCbutton button class, but passing true for antialising works only for Texture objects. So somewhere inside the button class, this texture object should be used, you may check the class source and modify it there