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Can You Use Kinvey As A Back-End Service With Gideros? — Gideros Forum

Can You Use Kinvey As A Back-End Service With Gideros?

ljp1203ljp1203 Member
edited October 2012 in General questions
Hi all!

I've been in constant contact with the Senior Engineer of Kinvey, Michael.

He actually showed me this respitory, https://github.com/KosiDossApps/gideros_restful_apis/tree/master/kinvey . Now the problem was how I was suppose to implement their service into my app.

That is a question I've had since I started talking to him and also since I was developing in C*SDK. Nobody seemed to know how to do it, and no one answered my forum posts.

Now that you've answered my question I hope you could answer my next questions too.

Here they are:

-How do I implement the Kinvey Backend Service into my app?
-When I do implement the Kinvey API/RESTful code, how do I add a login button that will send the credentials the user entered,to the server to be authenticated?
-How would I send things such as dates/times and locations from one user to another? Because my app consists of Social/Travel Integration.

Sorry that its so much, but I really need these features.

Hopefully one of you awesome Developers can answer this question because just from joining the forum yesterday, I can tell that this is a great and friendly developer community willing to help!


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