I have a question about a recent feature:Command line tools to control player within 3rd party applications
Does this mean I can start the .gproj file and see the results in a player without the Gideros Studio?
If so:
- Where do I find these tools?
- How do I use them?
Here are some basic info about using command line tools:
- You need to use gdrbridge only.
- gdrdeamon is waked up and controlled by gdrbridge. You shouldn't run it by yourself. gdrdeamon connects and controls the player on the background.
- gdrbridge isconnected -> prints 1 to stdout if gdrdeamon is connected to player, 0 otherwise.
- gdrbridge play mygame.gproj -> plays mygame.gproj (if gdrdeamon is connected to the player)
- gdrbridge setip -> sets the ip that gdrdeamon should connect to
- gdrbridge stop -> stops the game (if gdrdeamon is connected to the player)
- gdrbridge getlog -> prints the log to stdout collected from player up to now
- gdrbridge stopdeamon -> stops/kills the gdrdeamon
- if gdrdeamon is not connected to the player and doesn't receive any commands within 5 seconds, it automatically stops/kills itself.
- You need to close Gideros Studio if it's already running because it also tries to connect to the player independently.
Added this to FAQ