Nice comparison that favors Gideros Studio over others:"Which iOS Android Framework should I use for my game app? For my first iOS game programming project I have chosen to use Gideros Mobile. Then later I will do my second project using Cocos2d-x and learn C++ at the same time."
Likes: luyimoon
@gorkem I found a better ambassador, (and the obvious) that would benefit Gideros more to put those articles in light I think
@hnim Yes, add to that the reality check lag.
But yeah, from Nov 8 - 14, he really did change his mind on doing anything, judging from the comments. How bizarre.
I have also tried Unity for 2D and, it's true, found it to be cumbersome for some things and really great for others (camera per layer, collision layer, good control on parallax, custom editors, ambient light control, unity asset store, docs, etc).
I agree with the fact that it can be overkill for a lot of 2D projects.
In fact I was more pointing the fact that saying "if you don't pay $$$ your game will look bad" makes the judgement that "it does not do 3D well" less valuable. I was not really making a statement that Unity is good for 2D, nor the opposite
By reading the comment I think it's less a platform decision than a reality check about the market, which I think should be done earlier in the process.
But hey, I am the first to admit that saying is easier than doing.