Hello folks,
We were wondering about publishing apps to Amazon appstore, and just can't do it blindly, since no one of us has a Kindle Fire to test it.
So I just wanted to ask if anyone has Kindle Fire and if anyone could please test Mashballs a little on it and post us a video or at least feedback on the performance, if there any problems etc. I'll send you the needed apk file etc.
So can anyone please help

I haven't got one myself otherwise I'd offer to help - I'm not massively keen on the pricing control you give up on Amazon's app store so haven't really investigated this route much.
And about pricing, as far as I know, Amazon does not simply lower your price or offer app for free, it always asks developer's and you can refuse it. Not official, but that's what I've heard. Besides paid apps are performing much better than on any other Android market (again only a rumor)
On pricing, whilst they're certainly shifting more volume, there are reports that individual app pricing is 40% lower on Amazon's store. It does seem like you can make more money there than on Google Play, however.
I know Amazon used to retain full control over pricing - when you submit an app you provide a suggested retail price and Amazon actually set their own retail price. Is that not the case any more?
Think it's available without logging in.
Likes: ar2rsawseen
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
I also have an app on Amazon but made with C*SDK.
What was it that I could help you with? Testing?
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
If you can do it, I please tell what should I send you, a project, and apk?
My main concern is that Kindle Fire is kind of a weak device (mostly for video card) and could not run the app, but I'm as well might be mistaken.
At least it's price leaves an impression of low end tablet.
If my concerns are totally unjustified than no testing at all needed, I just want to make sure before submitting a paid app.
if you set the .apk on an url and send me the url I can install it from there like most android devices can, However sometimes it helps to load the same from a local web server.
My findings is that the device was put together as an after thought or in a hurry, I cannot use the memory to load apps beyond 800MB or so. The HP Touchpad running Cynogen Mod is a much cheaper and more powerful device with a larger screen and can offer me the entire 32 GB of space to play with (currently partitioned as 16GB for HP OS and 16 GB for Android)
The new devices could be worth having a look at, hopefully they are better.
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
Here is a test apk link http://jenots.com/test.apk
Another problem is, that there are multiple targets: Kindle Fire, Kindle Fire2, Kindle Fire HD7, Kindle Fire HD 8.9
If I set target to Kindle Fire, than Gideros Android project template is not compatible with it, because it is meant for older android.
But if I set it for higher Kindle version, would it work with older one (Similar to like Gideros does with Android)?
So for this test I've selected the highest Kindle version and let's see if it will run on your old Kindle @OZApps
Well, for one, the app loads and works well on the device and compared to an app build in C*SDK, this seems like it was made using native code. It is very responsive and smooth.
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
Thank you @OZApps
So if anyone else is going to do the same, here is a quick recap:
Likes: OZApps
Call it my imagination, but if there is a Kindle SDK, it must be good for something
and yeah it will be better if there is a Kindle SDK
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
They've replied with email that app have been approved and nothing more stated.
So I have no idea how to check if it's available for kindle or not.
Anyone that had an experience with amazon marketplace has any ideas?
Maybe it could be checked, by trying to search the app and see if this app can be found from a Kindle devices?
It seems that for the most part Gideros games and already capable with the kindle from the get go, which is pretty awesome
On the question you posted, Amazon didn't used to allow you to specifically market directly to the kindle, if you app is approved on Amazon and then they test and see if it works on Kindle and they decide to make it available there with the rating. However they have recently made a big push for it, even providing a emulator image for the Kindle Fire for the Android Emulator--which unfortunately sort of sucks.
Basically if you send Amazon an app and check the form factor for Phone + Tablet, it will probably be on the kindle shortly if not right when it's approved. At least that has been my experience. Thumbhurt's games ClickFish and Garth and Evie Digi-dolls do well on amazon and are both on the kindle--I was actually very surprised just how well ClickFish runs on the Kindle Fire even with just ScaleMode("Stretch") turned on. I will have to re-build some of it's graphics as it wasn't targeted at tablets when I built it.
Anyway best of luck with Amazon, I generally see less downloads from them overall, but then one game just seems to do well and out downloads all the other games I have on Google Play etc, so it's probably about the categories mostly.
Likes: hgvyas123
Likes: OZApps
"All non-Amazon Android devices based on my manifest, Kindle Fire (1st Generation), Kindle Fire, Kindle Fire HD, Kindle Fire HD 8.9"
Here is a link if someone with a kindle wants to try it out: