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Likes: gorkem, Mells, techdojo, AlexRu, plamen, bowerandy, fxone, marbolec, vitalitymobile, SinisterSoft, MobAmuse, alexzheng, Nascode, Chang, phongtt, GregBUG, hgvyas123, deniz, john26, moopf, hnim, Javi, ar2rsawseen, Scouser, Teranth
Likes: atilim, Nascode, marbolec, Ozkar619
Asynchronous texture loading
Encryption of Compiled Lua files
Also, where does re-working the sound API fit in? I've been having a whole heap of issues with sound, see this thread:
Likes: moopf, Javi, SinisterSoft, MobAmuse
Likes: OZApps, hgvyas123, SinisterSoft, MobAmuse
Likes: Javi, alexzheng, SinisterSoft, MobAmuse
BTW, just a tiny suggestion for the IDE; to sort images in groups by image scale suffix and enable "automatic downsizing" for multiple selection.
Working with several hundreds of images it's a pain to select and click one by one...
One question: any chance of a BB version while you are in the mood to add new platforms? :-) BB10 is rather like WP8 in that it is a new platform (BB10 is out in Jan 2013) which has the potential to become big but no one knows if it will succeed yet.
I appreciate you must be phenomenally busy but you may be aware RIM is actively seeking developers even paying them to produce apps:
I've been tinkering with the BB Natve SDK myself and it is a straightforward C++ system supporting OpenGL ES. RIM has also ported Lua and Box2d.
Likes: SinisterSoft
I would leave 10000000000000000000000000 pluses if I could to this thread
Thanks @atilim for listening to our prayers...
However if you wasted time doing anything for BB10 I think I'd shake my head in disbelief. RIM is a company whos time has been, and the OS will be DOA. I don't think it's unreasonable to think that it's only a matter of time before RIM is basically asset stripped (mainly for patents) by rivals. I was a devout Blackberry user for years but it simply didn't retain relevance once the smartphone market exploded with the iPhone. They completely missed the boat then and continue to do so now.
Likes: Garyk1968
But seriously, would you benefit from desktop platforms more?
Likes: phongtt
Maybe I'm misguided but with the player working on Mac and PC anyway, I kind of thought getting that to distribution level would actually be much easier than bringing Gideros to Windows 8 Phone. I mean surely it's 90% there already in order to be able to use the players at all on desktop.
@john26 said that the greatest benefit with new mobile platforms is being there on day one. Well, day one has been and gone for Windows 8 Phone now. Having said that, if you're basing a long term business model on just being able to jump onto new platforms on day one, that's not a very stable model to build on.
There must be something under Gideros player that @atilim is not telling us
Making it hard to manage to run stand alone or provide features (like running last app or managing multiple apps). This is the mystery we might never solve
Wp8 support?
Render to Texture?
Sir @atilim you are our hero!
ps: how about some mind-bending trailer for new features
At least this is an existing market (via the Mac App Store for example), with proven sales numbers, existing funnel, credit card details already registered, efficient store, etc.
For iOS devs at least it's a good thing to benefit from the Apple Ecosystem (ex : I own Bastion on Mac & iPad and would certainly buy Limbo if it was available on the iPad.).
I don't believe much in "being there on day one". I think this is an overestimated advantage.
But maybe this is just me and I am wrong.
Windows 8 Mobile - This will be helpful just to place an app on a marketplace that is untapped, even if it fails and becomes an also ran, it will allow some exposure and hopefully some revenues. In fact since it is not tapped as yet, it can provide visibility to developers that would not be possible.
[Edit : Added the Mobile to make it explicitly clear]
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at
BB10, no point RIM are out of the game
Likes: moopf
Though I'm missing the desktop platform, it's logic to give priority to Windows 8 and mobile platform in general. Agree the BB is DOA as well, but what about Playstation Mobile (hint hint)?
Thanks for the hard work. Developing in Gideros, even for an obtuse artist like me is a real joy
I think even if you wanted to focus on iOS only, that was missing.
This together with the mesh api opens many possibilities.
If WP8 comes together it will be interesting, but for me that was less important. Right now I prefer to be able to get solid, complete, competitive and extensive features for iOS and Android than less possibilities but for many platforms...
Is this idea still standing?
"...we are working on a prototype to run Lua codes within the browser efficiently."