We are making a basketball game , and i hope next week we will start beta testing . But i was not happy with hoop net's animation so i changed my design as fallows:

The original implementation is more complex then that but will give general idea. If ball contacts with middle sensor then i am inceasing distance joints length. If last sensor is activeted i set sensor to initial length. Anyway i am currently very happy about animation in debug draw mode.
Now , what i am concerned about is skinning to animation. Currently i am plannig to draw a line between wheel joint points but i prefer to assigning an image for net or any other skinning option. So , is it possible to strecth an image in this design?
Website: http://www.castlegateinteractive.com
About physics model, is there any specific reason for having 3 sensors instead of a single middle one on the distance joint?
@ar2sawseen i will consider to share an example whenever i have a little more free time
Yes I've implemented a mesh design. As you say it's a solution that need much time to obtain a good result. In my case I wasted one weekend to get the movement of the net.
I need true opinions in order to do it best.
Many thanks!