Hello everyone,
Version 2 is here, many new features added which will make your life easier.I was creating a tile based level, and i came across a few things when using
@atilim's TileMap example.
So i created a tool that lets you organize your tiles and physics world right in Tiled (
Watch Video Showcase:

Some features:
- Add actors from Tiled
- Add animations (TNT Animations)
- Attach Dynamic, Kinematic or Static bodies to actors and objects from Tiled with fixture and body properties
- Create sprites with physical body, not only tiles
- Create multiple Box2D worlds if necessary. Just assign World_ID to any layer or object with world creation parameters
- Define Box2D fixture properties and object properties in Tiled
- Use tile rotations and flippings in Tiled, all is drawn correctly in Gideros
- Use layer opacity in Tiled, drawn correctly in Gideros
- Use any kind of shape as collision object in Tiled (circle, polygon, polyline, etc), it is perfectly adapted by Box2D
- Enable / Disable debug drawing
- Physics body angle from tile flippings and rotations
- Physics run automatically
- Pause / Unpause
- Custom properties from Tiled will be added to your sprites and objects
- If the layer is not visible in Tiled, it will not be drawn
- Assign any name to your layer, just indicate DrawType property as Tile or Sprite, etc(you had to enter specific names for layers before)
- Supports multiple tilesets
So, you can get the class and a simple example here:
https://github.com/1dot44mb/gideros/tree/master/tools/TiledAsWorldEditorBe sure to read README or i don't think you will be able to get it working.
Please create issues and suggestions on Github, so the tool gets improved.
Version 1 Tutorial (obsolete):

Likes: techdojo, 1dot44mb
Likes: 1dot44mb, techdojo
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
The reason for this request was that Json is now an integral part (even more than XML) since XML needs to be parsed where as
Likes: techdojo
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
Today, i worked on Actors and TNT Animation Studio, i will integrate actor placement and actor animations in near time, i hope.
At Guava7, we've already harnessed Tiled for UI & level design. It's really a helpful tool.
(BTW, we have an optimization tool for Tiled too: http://www.guava7.com/2012/tool-for-optimizing-tilemap-tmx-format/)
Likes: OZApps, nguyennb, 1dot44mb, Mells
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
It's good that you are using Tiled for UI & Level design, maybe you can have a look at this one and suggest a few enhancements.
Website: http://www.castlegateinteractive.com
awesome work!!!
and very useful!
Gideros tools Ecosystem Grows well !!! nice.
BTW,I use Tiled export new Level.lua, the demo didn't work, Level.lua don't match Level.tmx
@louis Open the exported lua file in a text editor and check that the paths to tileset images are correct. Correct them and if they are showing the wrong path and it should work.
hi. I am somewhat new to Gideros. I've been figuring out your tool, and it just cuts down level design time to shreds. Still am struggling with a something.
In the example, if i want the "coins" to disappear when Xenon touches it, what would I have to do?
I am trying to implement TiledAsWorldEditor, however when I create a new physic object in my code (not in tilemap editor) using:
When I use another physic world, Player run fine, of course there is no collision between objects in Level.B2_Worlds[1] and world
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first of all... thanks @1dot44mb for this excellent script. I'm quite new to gideros and I stuck at a more complex approach. I've created separate platforms with about 5-10 tiles and I have a typical setup with a TerrainCollision Layer and a Layer with the Terrain Sprites.
Now if my player touches a platform I'd like to move the whole platform downwards to the bottom (so that the player can fall into a water or something). If I remove the CollisionLayer and handle the collision myself with the TerrainLayer it works for just one separate Tile but how can I get the whole connected Tiles for a complete platform? Is that possible?
Many thanks in advance!
local nameIndex = 0
local nameOrigin
in lower TiledAsWorldEditor = Core.class(Sprite)
in function createSprites()
i additional :
if nameOrigin~= layerName then
nameIndex = 0
nameOrigin = layer.properties.NAME
in function createSpriteFromBitmap()
i change:
obj.properties ={}
for k, v in pairs(layer.properties) do
obj.properties[k] = v
and additional
nameIndex= nameIndex + 1
if nameIndex>=2 then
obj.properties.NAME = nameOrigin..(nameIndex-1)
--print(obj.properties.NAME," ",layer.properties.NAME," ",nameOrigin)
so it's fix problem all body and sprite from a layer same name, help me ease change animation from onBeginContact
p/s: sorry im bad english
I need to move de camera when the Xeon moving... How to move the tiled?
thanks for all
The first that comes to mind is using enterframe event to call something like: