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Likes: hnim, talis, alexzheng, Teranth, AlexRu, semp, OZApps, Yunus, yvz5, vitalitymobile, omer, gorkem, ar2rsawseen, fxone, Radiesel, phongtt, zaniar, atilim, hgvyas123, aditya
Likes: ar2rsawseen
btw, in which file shall we put the java codes?
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
This is exactly plugin that i need. @Javi You are awesome!
It can be used from any function and in any thread, but I if you want to make a plugin I would recommend to encapsulate it as a Java class and create also a Lua class as interface.
Yes, you can use it with webview, facebook, etc. You can call any Java function from JVBridge.
Tried it,very easy to using.
Changes: Corrected a typo in multithreading code (not really relevant but I recommend to update). I've released it with the libs precompiled for your convenience but I have no problem sharing the JNI code if you want to compile it yourself. Here it is:
It's not a good practice, but I packed the code in only one CPP file; I didn't want to create 6 source files for such a tiny project.
Likes: vitalitymobile, gorkem, omer, Radiesel
Just make the code in Java to create and control the ListView and then use JVBridge to control it from Lua.
I don't use Android but I guess that you'll need to use a FrameLayout to show the ListView over Gideros mGLView.
Likes: Radiesel
This is a great plugin,it makes call java api a lot more easier.
have you tried building the JVBridge plugin into the gideros player and run lua in the player from the gideros studio?
I called jvbridge.callJava("somejavaFunc") and the player crashed,logged:
JNI: DeleteGlobalRef(0x1d20023e) failed to find entry.
of course, if I export the project and run it in the device, it works fine.
Just today I'm going to release a new version and I'll also make some changes to solve this, and we'll see if that's the problem or not.
- Now it's possible to transfer raw byte arrays between Lua <-> Java. (Read the manual; examples and new JVBridgeParams methods byte[] getByteArray(int index) and void addByteArray(byte[] param)).
- A couple of internal improvements processing parameters.
- Manual updated.
- Problem with Gideros player. BTW @alexzheng please test it again with this version and tell me if that problem is solved or not.
Likes: omer
How can I download source code?
Did you create an github repo?
Does anyone have a working example using this with Facebook SDK for Android?
@geisonbiazus @krisis You're welcome.
BTW @krisis Maybe one of these days I'll code a plugin to make snapshots, I think it'd be a good example of how to make plugins with JVBridge.
Likes: fxone, omer, Radiesel
Likes: chipster123
thank you!
Anybody know another option to do the same?
Thank you,
but you can also contact @Javi to see if you can still get it and upload somewhere where anyone could get it